This is a picture I took over the weekend. I'm using it now in a 1600x1200 size for my desktop wallpaper. It is a little busy--I have trouble seeing my desktop icons now.
Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger.
This is what I was doing today. I took a day of vacation and went to a landfill in the next county over and picked up some mulch. They charge $18 for a 3 cubic yard scoop and my truck holds a little over 2 yards so after the backhoe dumped the mulch, there was a huge pile all over and around my truck.
It took forever to get my tarp secured since I was stumbling over the left over mulch that was all around the truck. By the time I was finished I looked like a piece of bark--it was all over my clothes and skin! Of course by the time I got home and shoveled all the mulch into a pile just off of my driveway, I looked even worse. Nothing like mixing sweat and bark dust to make you look funny. :-)
Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger.
This is what I was doing today. I took a day of vacation and went to a landfill in the next county over and picked up some mulch. They charge $18 for a 3 cubic yard scoop and my truck holds a little over 2 yards so after the backhoe dumped the mulch, there was a huge pile all over and around my truck.
It took forever to get my tarp secured since I was stumbling over the left over mulch that was all around the truck. By the time I was finished I looked like a piece of bark--it was all over my clothes and skin! Of course by the time I got home and shoveled all the mulch into a pile just off of my driveway, I looked even worse. Nothing like mixing sweat and bark dust to make you look funny. :-)
And the flower pic is gorgeous!!!
Here's wishing you a spectacular Easter sans chocolate overdoses...
Michele actually sent me, but ya know I wouldn't miss coming by anyhow!
Michele sent me.
I thought it was blogger acting up..
Over from the other michele's
Here via Michele's this time...
Here via Michele. And yes, my hair turned out fine and I found great shoe bargains!
thanks for dropping by my place tonight. :)
Michele sent me.
here via Michele...
Happy Easter!
Lois Lane
I do remember the spreading though. We did sand infill, topsoil, landscaping stones, a dumptruck load of peagravel. My back goes out to you.
And I like your Header picture, too!
Here via Michele's
Happy Easter!
Michele sent me
Michele sent me this time.