
This is a picture I took over the weekend. I'm using it now in a 1600x1200 size for my desktop wallpaper. It is a little busy--I have trouble seeing my desktop icons now.

Click on the picture if you want to see it bigger.

This is what I was doing today. I took a day of vacation and went to a landfill in the next county over and picked up some mulch. They charge $18 for a 3 cubic yard scoop and my truck holds a little over 2 yards so after the backhoe dumped the mulch, there was a huge pile all over and around my truck.

It took forever to get my tarp secured since I was stumbling over the left over mulch that was all around the truck. By the time I was finished I looked like a piece of bark--it was all over my clothes and skin! Of course by the time I got home and shoveled all the mulch into a pile just off of my driveway, I looked even worse. Nothing like mixing sweat and bark dust to make you look funny. :-)


Liz said…
I saw on tv today a company that comes with a big truck and sprays mulch out of a giant hose.
Michelle said…
You need a zoom Dave, i'm struggling to see your genitals :o)
Utopia said…
So where's the picture of you?! Covered in sweat and bark, similar to an ENT in Lord of the Rings!
utenzi said…
Ouch! Who told you that a zoom was needed to see my genitals, Michelle? LOL That's really cruel!
Olyal said…
Your garden will e so healthy now with all that mulch!!!

And the flower pic is gorgeous!!!
Anonymous said…
Mmmm... Barky! :) Sounds absolutely delightful! Well, okay, all that work certainly doesn't, but, the end result will be worth it, Dave!

Here's wishing you a spectacular Easter sans chocolate overdoses...

Michele actually sent me, but ya know I wouldn't miss coming by anyhow!
srp said…
That's a lot of mulch. You should have included a picture of you posing as a stick or tree branch. It will look nice (the yard) when it's done, but then it never IS done is it.

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Oh wow.. I could not get this page to open forever..
I thought it was blogger acting up..
Over from the other michele's
Gidget Bones said…
Thanks for watching Gidge's place while I am on vacation! Please remember to feed the fish!
Thumper said…
Oh wow...those flowers are beautiful! The truck's kinda pretty, too ;)

Here via Michele's this time...
WendyWings said…
Here from Micheles. Pretty flowers, no spring gardening for us it is autumn now :)
Anonymous said…
Hey those flowers are gorgeous. Too soon for flowers here in the Rocky Mtns....but I do need a bunch of mulch/bark....can you spare a truckload? ;)
Here via Michele. And yes, my hair turned out fine and I found great shoe bargains!
marlynn said…
Hm...sweat and bark dust. Sounds like a lovely combo :) Thanks for visiting earlier!
Redneck Mommy said…
Nothing like a little manual labour to get the blood pumping! I love the flower pic. Have a great weekend. Michele sent me.
barbie2be said…
that picture is lovely!

thanks for dropping by my place tonight. :)
Ben said…
Pitty the fooo who has to unload all of that bark, what a job. It's gonna look good, that's for sure.


Michele sent me.
jsdaughter said…
what a beautiful picture! I really enjoyed your blog and will be back to visit again..
here via Michele...
Shelly said…
Wow, those flower beds are gorgeous! That's how I wish my front flower bed looked.
Lois Lane said…
Where's the picture of you covered in bark? Now that would be a great desktop photo. LOL!
Happy Easter!
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
I'm not up to mulch this weekend by comparison. ;-)

I do remember the spreading though. We did sand infill, topsoil, landscaping stones, a dumptruck load of peagravel. My back goes out to you.
Ramona said…
Beautiful flowers!
And I like your Header picture, too!
Here via Michele's
Viamarie said…
Love flowers very much.

Happy Easter!
Dawn said…
I tried to take the day off of work today but no such luck....I was only going to start on the spring cleaning.

Michele sent me
kenju said…
Love the pansies!

Michele sent me this time.

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