halloween comic
This is today's strip of PreTeena a comic written and inked by Allison Barrows. It's been around since 2001 though I just started reading it early this year.

This is the younger of the two daughters that the strip centers on. I like her attitude towards candy. I never outgrew my love of sugar and I view the day after Halloween as one of the big holidays of the year. I rarely buy less than 20 pounds of candy (on clearance) and this year was no exception! The only bad thing was that none of the stores I went to had any Smarties left. I really like Smarties. *sigh* But at least I got a lot of chocolate to help drown my sorrows. :-)

This is the younger of the two daughters that the strip centers on. I like her attitude towards candy. I never outgrew my love of sugar and I view the day after Halloween as one of the big holidays of the year. I rarely buy less than 20 pounds of candy (on clearance) and this year was no exception! The only bad thing was that none of the stores I went to had any Smarties left. I really like Smarties. *sigh* But at least I got a lot of chocolate to help drown my sorrows. :-)
20 pounds of candy is A LOT!!! That's like, 10 kilos!!
You don't need so much sugar Ut. You're sweet enough as you are. :o)
Michele sent me this time.
Michele sent me :)
Mar, I'm not the greatest at sharing but you could always visit and see if you could wrest any candy from me.
Lois Lane
Cute comic.
Chocolate is good. Like the mint Girl Guide cookies?
This Halloween none came home with me out of 3 boxes of chocolates and chips. My elftovers I distributed at my workplace and leftovers to the head office, at the veterinarian office to staff where I showed up in costume too, and the reminder to a friend for her grandkids. Halloween's a blast.
Michele sent me.
Ouch! That's a bit much.
Michele said Hi!
Maybe because we are up so high?
I'd rather have salmon than smarties, but then my palate and tongue are different.
Michele sent me
If I buy stuff I like, I'm tempted to start eating it before Halloween. For me, if it's not chocolate...I'm not interested!
Here via michele today!
(I'm here by way of MaggiesFarm, a blogger I met early on in blogging, but I noticed we share about half of your blogroll!) No wonder your blogname sounds familiar. I've read your comments all over other places and enjoyed. (I'm one who reads the comment threads, too, not just the posts).
Now, I'm having a "need chocolate" attack, but my teen daughter did not go trick or treating this year lol.)