Five Days

That watermelon has been sitting out in the heat for 5 days now.

Between the dehydration and the insects feeding on it, the watermelon is looking a wee bit worse for wear.

I took this picture around 8am this morning, before going into work. It was already 85f out and I gave my tomato plants some water since I didn't want them to end up looking like this watermelon.

We're supposed to get some afternoon rainstorms for the next few days but I'll believe it when I see it. It's been over a week since there's been any rain at my house and the grass in the lawn breaks when you step on it.

I've signed up for a kayaking tour on the Dan River this Saturday. It's supposed to take around 3 hours so it'll be from 10am to 1pm, more or less. I hope it doesn't rain then!


kenju said…
Why are you leaving the watermelon out like that? To feed insects?

We didn't get any rain today; how about you?
utenzi said…
We got rain in Chapel Hill where I work but not a drop fell where I live, south of Mebane.

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