Adam Bowman

How do you like my tree frog over there on the right? It's one of the widgets that Adam Bowman has created. They're fun to customize on his site and once installed on your blog, they're fun there too!

What do you think I should name it?


Teresa said…
That is creepy! Not as manic as the fish, but creepy! Boys and their toys?
utenzi said…
There was one with a big spider---that would have been even creepier. :-)
poefusion said…
i think it's unreal how Adam created these creatures. i don't have the frog but yours is definitely fun. i just fed him plenty of flies. maybe Spot would be a good name due to his warty back, lol. have a great night.
Anonymous said…
It IS creepy. It reminds me of a spider.
Jan said…
I think it's kind of sweet the way it follows.
Thumper said…
Judging by how far away he cat eat from...Timmy the Tongue...
kenju said…
He's cute,Utenzi, but now I miss the fish.

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