Happy Thanksgiving

Here in the USA it's Thanksgiving Day, a day typically spent with family and a large bird that's been roasted so as to make it good company for the rest of us. Sorry, PETA. Yet more animals for you to try to make us feel guilty about. (Good luck!)

Isn't this a cute picture?

I took this the other day at JLee's house when we made a nice dinner together.

It's not turkey, as is more obvious in the picture below, but it was a good warm up for Thanksgiving since it helped stretch our stomachs. Serious feasting demands a practice round or two beforehand, y'know?

It's a half picnic pork roast and a decent deal at $1.09 a pound. Sometimes the bone really makes the cut not a bargain but this time it was pretty far down on the femur making the bone a very small portion of the package. And that means more meat for us! We used a crockpot since it is a rather tough section of meat.

Here's a plate loaded with more stuff. We did veggies in the crockpot as usual and also fixed taters of both types as sides.

I don't usually fix sweet potatoes so I approached these cautiously and simply mashed them adding just a little salt and a lot of brown sugar. They tasted quite good though oddly enough I thought they were a touch sweet and JLee thought they could have used a bit more brown sugar. It's not often that anyone else wants more sugar than I do!

Of all the components of the meal, it was the gravy and regular potatoes that came out best. I just winged it on the spuds and got really lucky. I never even tasted them until I finished seasoning them (lots of salt, a little celery salt, and some milk) but they were near perfect.

Today my Mom is in charge so I'm sitting this one out.


tiff said…
Hooray for good meals, no matter what the day or reason.
I hope you had a great day! Happy Thanksgiving!

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