The Amazing Race

Last night witnessed the beginning of the 13th installment of The Amazing Race (TAR). Like usual, I wasn't very thrilled with the first episode. There's too many people to really get a feel for any of the teams. It isn't until after the first 3 or 4 teams get eliminated that the show really picks up interest for me.

I wasn't surprised at the team that got eliminated last night but I was hoping that they'd last at least the first few legs. They were one of the more interesting teams. Frankly, the only person that I liked much in the interviews was the mom on the mother/son team. Maybe some of the others will grow on me, but I don't have a good feeling about this season. :-(

And another thing, usually the first episode involves some background on each team. This time they barely gave any background at all. Just a short one or two minute interview. Since the show depends a lot on being interested in the folk on the show, this seems like a bad strategy for TAR to be using.


Unknown said…
Yes, the "hippie" couple was interesting, but I'm not surprised they didn't last. I also don't think the nerds will last. The couple deciding whether to divorce may add something to the excitement since I think he's on the prowl.

Maybe they'll do bios after the first few teams have been eliminated.
kenju said…
I tried to watch, but I fell asleep before they even got on the first plane!

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