Sex test

Here's the results from a new test I took over on OKCupid. Apparently I should get out more, huh? LOL

What can I say? I'm just not very adventuresome.

Your Score: Jack or Jill

You are 27% sexually experienced. (Kink = 37, Social = 0, Rebel = 8)

The higher your kink factor, the more likely you are to try something new.

The higher your social factor, the more likely you are to make sex a group activity.

The higher your rebel factor, the less constrained you are by social norms.

Link: The 20 Question Sexual Experience Test


Unknown said…
Uh oh! I scored 50% sexually experienced. (Kink = 79, social = 96, rebel = 57)...ah my misbegotten youth! *grin*
Nina said…
Part of me wants to take this test because I feel pretty sure I would get a zero on all three categories. And that might be funny. Except that it wouldn't be that funny.
Ditsy Chick said…
Sigh, I barely remember enough about sex to answer the questions. Anyway, I took it and had a high social if. I want to be cool and have a high rebel score, but that came back as 2%.
Blonde Goddess said…
You are 95% sexually experienced. (Kink = 39, Social = 11, Rebel = 45)

I find the results disturbing. I am NOT into social sex at all and don't do that kind of thing in front of other people...

I think the results are wrong...I'm just saying...for me.
It's got to be wrong... I got only an 80%, even though I got kink = 127, social= 119 and rebel = 14. I know I'm more of a perv than BG.
utenzi said…
ETW: I dunno. From what I've read on BG's blog, she's a hard act to follow. But I must admit your numbers are impressive, in a weird sort of way.

BG: You're certainly more experienced and rebellious than I.

DC: Pretty much everyone is going to score higher than I did. Sorry about that low rebel score. What's up with that??? Hell, even I got an 8!

Nina: Anyone that can hurt people by turning around suddenly scores pretty high in my book!

GG: You tried hard to increase my score a decade back but it just wasn't going to happen. Nice of you to try tho.
Unknown said…
I think the test is skewed for social "events" and is no indicator of imagination or actual skill - two catagories you would do great in, Utenzi. :)
utenzi said…
You're so sweet, GG. But I don't know about the sincerity question. I have little imagination--thus the low score.
Anonymous said…
LOL. I actually got a 0% in experience (Kink=0; Social=0, Rebel=1). I'm such an innocent!
utenzi said…
Teresa, you need to contact the Vatican. I hear they're willing to embrace a woman with a child and zero experience. At least they have a history of that attitude in the past. Good luck.
tiff said…
You are 62% sexually experienced. (Kink = 63, Social = 8, Rebel = 60)
Blonde Goddess said…
I took that stupid test three more times and every single time I took it there was a different answer.

I'm not so sure these things are correct...
Omykiss said…
oh dear ... too much information methinks!

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