Of Deals, Dell, and DealsEa

There's lots of great deal sites out on the web.

The one I usually use is DealsEa.com but there's no particular reason for it. I guess it's just the first one that I ever used and I'm in the habit of going there now.

This morning I checked in with the site an hour or so after I got in to work and I'm glad I did. Usually the deals you find on this and similar sites are just nice sales or special coupons--but occasionally you find pricing mistakes and that's what happend today. Dell Home had mispriced two of their digital cameras as you can see over there to the left.

I quickly ordered the $30 Fuji--wishing that I'd not just purchased a digicam the other day for $200--and sat by my computer hoping to get a Email confirmation of the order, and not an Email explaining the price mistake.

Lo and behold, Dell honored the $30 price. Isn't Dell swell? (yes, that rhymes)

The Fuji FinePix S700 retails for something like $300 and commonly sells for around $200 on sites like Amazon.com

I love shopping when it involves getting deals like this. Of course the mistake was corrected on Dell's site within 15 minutes or so but they're honoring the prices for anyone that ordered before that. The only fly in the ointment is that there's a 5 week delay in shipping but since I have no drastic need for it right now...


Sweet deal, Utenzi! I'm going to have to tell the Tour Manager about this; he'll really appreciate it.

Michele sent me today; keep up the bargain hunting!
Unknown said…
Wow! I'm going to this site - but not until after christmas since I've spent all my money...

The Fuji will give you truer colors, it will be an interesting comparison between your cameras.
Unknown said…
Uh-oh - I went to the site and bought a carpet steamer...

Utenzi you are a shopping enabler!
utenzi said…
I'm evil that way, GA, and it's not just shopping that I'm an enabler for. That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the visit. Hope you can come back sometime soon.


barbie2be said…
holy cats! that is some deal!!!!

michele sent me over to check it out.
Dak-Ind said…
greetings from michele!

what a great deal. i love Dell, and its nice to know they honor the prices when they have made the mistake, makes me respect them a bit more.
SassyAssy said…
Awesome! You have the luck o' the Irish!
Sara said…
Hello Michele sent me to say that you got a heck of a deal! Lucky you! And, I will buy from a company that honors their mistakes! It is a great way to keep and get new customers.
Dangit! First I missed out on the $10 Dustbuster, now the $30 camera. . . not a good day for online deals for me.

The blog shall return soon.
rosemary said…
i am on my way to shop....thank you dave
Nina said…
You are some kind of wizard. Stuff like this never happens to me. Can you find me some clearance mitten yarn? I snagged that camera you recommended. Yay!
Deana said…
Wow you have gotten some great deals! You know they are probably holding back so they have time to spit in your box for calling them on it!
Bernie said…
Don't you just LOVE a deal... Although, do you feel as though you have just ripped them off???

Here from Michele's this afternoon, where a storm is approaching Sydney!
utenzi said…
I most definitely feel like I ripped them off, Bernie. It fills me with a delicious sense of guilt. Almost as good as eating excessive chocolate guilt. Mmmm.
carmilevy said…
That is TOTALLY cool! I think I need to start hanging out there - well, as much as you can "hang out" online.

Thanks for the tip! Michele sent me tonight. I've been a bad blogfriend of late. Life's been crazy, and I'm just barely managing to keep my own blog updated.

Someday, I'll have time.



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