Hershey Kiss wallpaper

Chemistry and chocolate. Add in cherry cordial flavor and you have heaven! That's the wallpaper I'm using on my laptop these days. I took the picture in my lab last week.

I'm now in South Carolina. I arrived at 12:35am after a rather fast 3.5 hour drive from NC. I usually don't leave until around 3am but this time I had to do some Xmas shopping on the way out of town and one of the stores closed at 9pm so that dictated my departure time of 8:25pm. I managed to make the stops at Lowe's (car thingy for my Dad and gift certificate for my brother), Food Lion (turkey for Sunday dinner and 2 pounds of butter for making honey butter), and Smithfield's (2 dozen hushpuppies for eating on the drive and 2 pints of Brunswick Stew for eating breakfast once I got to SC) very quickly and was on the Interstate by 9:10pm.

Next up I'm eating some Brunswick Stew then going kayaking. Later today I'll start getting things ready for the Sunday turkey meal I'm making. My parent's are on a cruise in the Carribean and they arrive back here tomorrow afternoon. I figure they'll be hungry and a nice meal of turkey, mashed potatoes and some nasty veggie thing will certainly hit the spot. I'll like it too!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y'all


Unknown said…
You are a good son - have fun Kayaking!
kenju said…
"nasty veggie thing"???? I don't think I've ever had that, Dave! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
SassyAssy said…
Merry Christmas to you! You love that Brunswick Stew...at least it is not a sugarfest!!

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