Hershey Kiss wallpaper

Chemistry and chocolate. Add in cherry cordial flavor and you have heaven! That's the wallpaper I'm using on my laptop these days. I took the picture in my lab last week.
I'm now in South Carolina. I arrived at 12:35am after a rather fast 3.5 hour drive from NC. I usually don't leave until around 3am but this time I had to do some Xmas shopping on the way out of town and one of the stores closed at 9pm so that dictated my departure time of 8:25pm. I managed to make the stops at Lowe's (car thingy for my Dad and gift certificate for my brother), Food Lion (turkey for Sunday dinner and 2 pounds of butter for making honey butter), and Smithfield's (2 dozen hushpuppies for eating on the drive and 2 pints of Brunswick Stew for eating breakfast once I got to SC) very quickly and was on the Interstate by 9:10pm.
Next up I'm eating some Brunswick Stew then going kayaking. Later today I'll start getting things ready for the Sunday turkey meal I'm making. My parent's are on a cruise in the Carribean and they arrive back here tomorrow afternoon. I figure they'll be hungry and a nice meal of turkey, mashed potatoes and some nasty veggie thing will certainly hit the spot. I'll like it too!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y'all