Are you well traveled?

I caught a meme at Liz's Library Tavern and being a bit lazy today, I decided to post it myself. Just how well traveled are you?!

Your Travel Profile:

You Are Extremely Well Traveled in the Northeastern United States (86%)
You Are Very Well Traveled in the Midwestern United States (75%)
You Are Very Well Traveled in the Southern United States (62%)
You Are Well Traveled in Canada (60%)
You Are Well Traveled in the Western United States (42%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Western Europe (14%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in Southern Europe (13%)
You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Asia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Latin America (0%)
You Are Untraveled in New Zealand (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Scandinavia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Middle East (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the United Kingdom (0%)


magicmckay said…
Wow, I now feel tremendously inadequate. Sorry, I no longer have time to read blogs, I have to plan my next trip!

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