kicked out

What happens when a lovely candle lit Sunday dinner gathers in an unwanted guest? See if you can figure it out from these 3 pictures!


Into the Light said…
So, what happens?
SassyAssy said…
Did you kick the pretty lil' kitty outta her house?

Where was the candlelight dinner? Did Chris make it for you or vice versa?

Its all in the details, science dude and you aren't dishing!
Lois Lane said…
Awwww, poor kitty! If I were that cat, I'dn hack a hairball in your shoe. :P Happy Monday!
Noi Rocker said…
This cat is soooo fat! And cute!!
Anonymous said…
Cats are proprietary little stinkers, aren't they? Cute pics! Looks like a lovely dinner.
tiff said…
let's see. fresh bread, green beans, omlette......

when's dinner? Yum, cats or no cats.
utenzi said…
Sorry about that, Tiff. I didn't use my flash so the candle flame would show up--and that made it hard to see the food. It's actually mashed potatoes and a pork chop on the plate.
kenju said…
Dave, I hope you gave the Kitty a taste of everything before you put her out!!
Anonymous said…
Cute kitty. Did the cat get into any trouble when outside?
srp said…
Mr. Rhett always eats dinner with us... of course he sits in a chair, quietly and just watches. But, when Nyssa is home, he seems a bit miffed that his chair is taken. Poor kitty!
Anonymous said…
I thought that looked like a lovely dinner with candles.
carmilevy said…
How sweet! I love when cats decide to come to dinner. It's almost as if they've decided to grace us with their presence.

Great sequence of photos, Dave. Made me smile.

Dropped by from Michele's (again...aren't you sick of me yet?) before tucking in for a long-overdue sleep.

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