harry potter and the deathly hallows
Today at 20 minutes after noon, just as I finished mowing the first half of my lawn, the postman rolled up in his SUV and delivered the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
I bought it from Amazon.com, as you can see from that picture to the left. I like how they customized their shipping cartons to go with the book.
Each side had something different with the back being the most elaborate. While my copy wasn't really delivered by an owl, it's nice having a picture of one on the box.
I was quite surprised to get the book today since I didn't pay any extra for the shipping. I bought the book back around 8 months ago and they reduced the price twice since then and charged me the lowest offered price. Pretty damn nice. Low price, free shipping, and no damn lines. LOL
And here's what the pretty little book looks like. Nice artwork, huh?
At 759 pages on good stock the book weighs quite a bit. It's a good thing the postman for my area has a SUV. According to him, the post office is ignoring their normal policies in delivering and they're hand delivering the books to locations that are usually only served by mail drop at the road. Nice to know that the Potter magic works on government employees too!
PS Mice weren't chewing on the book. The ragged edge is due to my having trouble tracing the bookcover in Photoshop with my trackball.

Each side had something different with the back being the most elaborate. While my copy wasn't really delivered by an owl, it's nice having a picture of one on the box.
I was quite surprised to get the book today since I didn't pay any extra for the shipping. I bought the book back around 8 months ago and they reduced the price twice since then and charged me the lowest offered price. Pretty damn nice. Low price, free shipping, and no damn lines. LOL

At 759 pages on good stock the book weighs quite a bit. It's a good thing the postman for my area has a SUV. According to him, the post office is ignoring their normal policies in delivering and they're hand delivering the books to locations that are usually only served by mail drop at the road. Nice to know that the Potter magic works on government employees too!
PS Mice weren't chewing on the book. The ragged edge is due to my having trouble tracing the bookcover in Photoshop with my trackball.
Michele sent me,
Allow me to echo Mr. Althouse and say, "I guess you have some reading to do!"
Yesterday evening I went with a friend and her two daughters, to observe the Harry Potter celebration at a bookstore near us. I have not read any of the books, but the excitement surrounding this launch is something I do celebrate.
The packaging is, indeed, very nice and I love the graphics.
So tell me, why are you online when you could be following the adventures of Harry?
Via Michele
Michele, do yourself a favor - read the books! All of them!
I've heard all sorts of things...grr.
I have not a penny to my name. *cry*
How fasr into it are you? (lol)
You know I have never read any of the books or seen any of the films...I know, I'm weird...But, then that is not a new bit of information!
I LOVE that this book, and this series, has made serious readers of so very many people who might not have been....The lines at the Bookstores...WONDERFUL!
Michele sent me to you today, my dear....! Hope the rest of your weekend is as fabulous as today has been!
Michele sent me
I've read all the books and have liked them more and more as the series progresses. However, each and every one of them could easily be edited down to half the length. Rowling does love to hear her own voice! LOL
And, Borders had a special that if you pre-ordered by midnight Thursday, you got a free owl! I asked the manager if there were any spare as I forgot to pre-order, and I got one as well!!!
I will post about it (possibly tomorrow) with a photo...
Here from Michele's on a cold Sunday evening in Sydney...
Michele sent me this morning. How many pages have you read in it so far? I am at 320 now, I think.
Michele asks how is it going?
Okay, I ma here to answer all the "how far into the book are you" questions.
Utenzi, will not be reading it for a few weeks, after all, he is reading one of Jared Diamond's anthropology books right now. Then, he will read the 6th Potter, simply as a refresher. Then, and only then, will he begin the new one.
Okay. my work here is done.
Note to Utenzi:
Have you read the book "Collapse"? That is one of my favourite Diamond books. Hmm, you didn't think I read his books, did you? C'mon you can admit it.
Apparently the Childline Charity here in the UK (a help phoneline created to help abused and distressed children) are laying on extra staff to cope with the distress expected over the death of familiar characters - I mean, puhlease........
I'm reading Priestess of the White - grown up magic! :-)
Michele sent me here again :-)
I stayed up til 6AM to finish it...
Are you done yet?