Iron Chef America and Flay / De Laurentiis vs. Batali / Ray
Does anyone else watch those Iron Chef shows? I used to a few years back. They were so campy and fun but eventually I tired of them--and so when The Food Network started an "American" version this past year I watched the first few episodes. They were good but not good enough to watch every time so after the first 3 or 4 episodes I stopped watching.
Fortunately the other day I noticed that Iron Chef America was having a special episode in which the format was extended to 90 minutes and two guest "chefs" were added to accompany the Iron Chefs. The pairing? Bobby Flay and Giada De Laurentiis vs. Mario Batali and Rachel Ray.
I loved the show. It was funny as Hell. It started showing on Nov 13th but I didn't see it listed until Wednesday the 22nd. It's on the schedule for another month so there's plenty of time to catch it if you'd like to see it. After I saw the competition I read a review of the show on another blog and it's hilarious. Supposedly the blog is by a 29 year old woman in DC but it reads like a very snarky gay guy. Regardless of authorship, the blog is quite witty and very much in the Flay & Giada camp. Go read it! (I'll wait for you here...)
That JordanBaker person (from the blog I mentioned above) is witty but obviously quite deluded. How can anyone not know that Rachel Ray is so XXXXable cute that it can make a person's head spin. Or is that just me? LOL If only Rachel would just not talk....
The secret ingredient on this episode was cranberry so you know it was aimed at the American version of Thanksgiving. And while I love some cranberry sauce with poultry I don't know if I'd want it in every dish of a meal. In fact I do know--I would not want that! Ewww. But that's what they did and apparently, at least according to the judges, it came out tasting quite good from both teams. Who'd a thunk?
Has anyone else noticed that Giada De Laurentiis has a head that's too big for her scrawny little body? I call it the Nancy Reagan effect. Reminds me of one of those puppets that marionettes use. I'm just saying...

I loved the show. It was funny as Hell. It started showing on Nov 13th but I didn't see it listed until Wednesday the 22nd. It's on the schedule for another month so there's plenty of time to catch it if you'd like to see it. After I saw the competition I read a review of the show on another blog and it's hilarious. Supposedly the blog is by a 29 year old woman in DC but it reads like a very snarky gay guy. Regardless of authorship, the blog is quite witty and very much in the Flay & Giada camp. Go read it! (I'll wait for you here...)

The secret ingredient on this episode was cranberry so you know it was aimed at the American version of Thanksgiving. And while I love some cranberry sauce with poultry I don't know if I'd want it in every dish of a meal. In fact I do know--I would not want that! Ewww. But that's what they did and apparently, at least according to the judges, it came out tasting quite good from both teams. Who'd a thunk?
Has anyone else noticed that Giada De Laurentiis has a head that's too big for her scrawny little body? I call it the Nancy Reagan effect. Reminds me of one of those puppets that marionettes use. I'm just saying...
I seldom watch cooking shows, but I used to watch the "bammer" just for the fun of it.
Michele sent me today.
I can't stand Rachel Ray. I know she's cute, but you're right...she should never open her mouth.
And Giada definitely has "Miss Peach" syndrome. ;)
Here via michele, and I've fixed the link in my sidebar!
happy friday
The general plot is to rescue people from cooking hell in one way or another.
Here today via Michele's and Happy Thanksgiving.
How's it going, Utenzi?
Hi from Michele's.
Here via Michel's!
My husband calls her "Man Hands" or "Bobble Head".
I can only handle Rachael Ray in SMALL doses. I firmly believe that people THAT happy should be medicated.
Ari (Baking and Books)
Hi, Michele sent me! Skipped ya by accident!
Totally unforgettable is the eel battle, when the chefs were beating the things to death. Damn, that was great TV!
I will have to check out the show. The kids and I will love it.
I'd pay for a ringside seat. Really!