Bones and my health

Bones made it's second season start tonight. I wasn't there to greet it though. I've watched 2 episodes and parts of 2 others and each time I find it very annoying. I almost recorded tonight's show just in case I wanted to see if it'd gotten any better...but why torture myself? The actress that plays the lead sucks...she's so whiny! And the "banter" between her and that FBI agent...irritating as Hell. It's hard to believe that this show --which technically is a disaster, making a mockery out of forensics-- is based on the excellent books by Kathy Reichs.

Yes, I do like to complain. What about it? LOL

Speaking of complaning, my cold is starting to slink out the back as we speak. I've still got a slight fever and scratchy throat but I'm much improved over this afternoon. Only a nasty cough and headache remains. I went into work for a half day today and tomorrow I presume I'll stay all day.

I watched the third episode of Justice --the criminal defense drama from FOX-- tonight and liked it. The ending was kinda obvious from the evidence given during the show but the enactment at the end was still interesting. I suspect I'll keep watching this show throughout the season. It's glitzy but fun to watch.

Nothing interesting to watch on television tomorrow night but on Friday the debut episode of Men in Trees will be reshown and will immediately be followed by the second episode. Far more interesting than that is the start, at least here in the US, of the 4th season of MI-5 on A&E Network. That's at 11pm and it starts off the season with a two-part episode that initially takes place at Danny's funeral. I hated to see Danny go but I hope that this season is really good even with him off the show.


Belizegial said…
Hey Dave, nice to meet you!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Appreciate knowing you and receiving your well wishes on our country's 25th year of independence is appreciated.

I will return to see more of your writings.

jennypenny said…
I love A&E.. Intervention is the most powerful show. Never seen MI-5 though.. whats it about? Maybe its only an American A&E thing?

Here from Michele's
Margaret said…
Nothing good on tonight?!? Blasphemy! Survivor starts once again! (Not that I am addicted to reality television or anything).
utenzi said…
I've only seen Survivor three times, Sophie. All 3 times were at "parties" held to watch Survivor back when i was doing web programming and I thought the show was so fake it really pissed me off. Reality TV? Hardly.
barbie2be said…
i don't watch bones for exactly those same reasons. i haven't seen justice yet because i watched injustice last season and just feel like i can't like justice because i loved injustice.

here from michele's.
srp said…
Here from Michele.

About Bones? The FBI guy was a better vampire. The Bones characteer... is anyone really that out of touch with real life and human interaction? The new "director" pathologist? I've never seen anyone saw off a rib with a bullet in it and hand it to some one to "get it out". Also he didn't have a mask on...big no - no. And she was quite the control freak and too cute. OK, I resemble the control freak aspect at least. I think what gets me the most is the monotone delivery of the dialogue.... I could just read the script and get as much out of it.

I saw that Justice and am going to assume that the head guy is written to be that obnoxious. The ending was interesting, but it left me with a sense of unfinished business, that once again someone got away with it.
Sue said…
Hey utenzi, here via Michele's today. Have justice ready for viewing but I just love Bones. Loved all of last season although I have not yet watched this season. Ready to view though :) -- I love the dry reparte between the leads and the naive nature of the lead cracks me up. I started watching because it is produced by Kathy Reich who is an excellent author....
Anonymous said…
hi utenzi - thanks for stopping by my blog... i agree with you on bones... its dry dry dry... but i admit it, i love grey's anatomy and i aint ashamed either!
kenju said…
I haven't seen Bones, Dave, so I cannot comment about it.

Survivor was better the first time, and since then, it is not reality at all!

Michele sent me.
Catherine said…
Survivor wasn't reality the first time either, apparently they kept voting the host off and having to re-film it. I do watch it though. I don't watch "forensics" prgrammes much - maybe because I once a long time ago worked as a forensic scientist so they don't hold much fascination for me.
Here from Michele's.
Dak-Ind said…
i cant wait until the season opener of gilmore girls. i LOVE that show. most stuff on tv sucks, though, i agree. i whine about it a lot, too, heheh.

hope you feel better
michele sent me
rennratt said…
I have tried to watch Bones three or four times, with no luck. I kept hoping it would get better.

I am a fan of NCIS, House and Nip/Tuck. Now that House has moved to 8 pm, it will be taped while I watch NCIS. Hopefully, the crud they threw on at 9 pm will be cancelled soon. Then House can move back to its rightful place at 9 pm.
carmilevy said…
Bad television and illness make for a bad combination. I'm hoping you feel all better soon, Utenzi, AND that the televised fare gets better quickly, too.

I'm still looking for something good to watch. I'm strangely unable to like anything on the tube these days. What's wrong with me?

Maybe I should ask Michele. She sure sees enough of me (virtually, that is) already!
srp said…
Here from Michele, bet you're getting tired of seeing me here.

We took my mom out for dinner and then a surprise stop at the Cheesecake Factory for one of their low-carb cheesecakes. A treat for a sweet loving diabetic.

It has been a slow night on TV, just mainly a background noise for other pursuits.

About you being eight years younger? My brother is nine years younger. Well, we can't all be young....sigh.
Anonymous said…
Glad your cold is receding. I recommend gummy bears to hasten the retreat. :)
Sarie said…
Hello Utenzi, good to see you again.

Hope your cold is gone soon. I've had this annoying cough for weeks. it SUCKS.

Michele sent me this time.
David Edward said…
a tip from the late john denver, "blow up your TV!"
michele agrees with me
David Edward said…
i don't have a TV - and I don't have a cold, does any one else here see the connection?
I have a tv that is used as a movie viewing device only...
and I think I might have a bit of a sinus cold...

I'm sorry you don't like Bones... I'm sorry that I don't get to see it anymore.. I liked watching it... to each their own eh? ;)

Moon sent me... sorta...

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