a bug and a cat

I don't have any pets and that's fine with me but I do like to take pictures of critters. So, I put out some food and have places to hide for some wild things like rabbits.

Apparently Sam here, a neighbor's cat, is very aware of this.

I keep a pile of brush outside for the rabbits to hide in and birds to alight on. Sam seems to be viewing it as a one-stop grocery store of sorts.

He's a very pretty cat and quite smart. He's gotten one rabbit that I'm aware of this Summer and quite a few birds. One of the best hunters I've watched--and while I feel some sympathy for the rabbits, there's always more rabbits. They breed like rabbits, y'know?

This here is a critter on a much smaller scale. He's perched on my mixer.

I like the delicate lace-like structure of the wings. You can see how small the bug is by the relative size of my mixer speed dial beneath him or the grains of flour you can see in the background on the side of the mixer. I guess I should clean it better after using!


Anonymous said…
What a pretty leafy creature.
Anonymous said…
Great photo's. If I drew animals to our house my Mum would hunt me down and kill me, her fear of all things non-human is not worth my death! Maybe once I'm moved out!
Anonymous said…
Finally, I can get here and comment. Your blog has been upppity lately.

What kind of bug is that?
vanx said…
That is the most beautiful bug I've ever seen. The cat--kinda so-so~,:^)
Anonymous said…
I love the bug on the mixer...

And I only just realized you'd moved blogs, somehow.
kenju said…
Dave, I left a comment here this morning - and it's not here. I hope I came to the right place. Anyway, Michele sent me back.
Star said…
Such is nature, the hunter and the hunted. Many of my neighbors have cats, that roam. I am petless myself. Michele sent me.
scrappintwinmom said…
We have a feral cat who comes to our house as well. We call him Humberto. Here via Michele today!
David Edward said…
we call those "lace wings"
michele calls them pets
kenju said…
Dave, I think what I said this morning was that I hope that cat doesn't get the birds that land on your brush pile.

We worked at the RBC Center tonight, cleaning up and packing our stuff after the Jimmy V Gala. The perk was that we got to see 30+ minutes of a Cirque du Soleil preformance and it was FABULOUS!
Michele sent me, but now I am going to bed! Otherwise, I'll never make it to church!
verniciousknids said…
Don't clean the mixer...you might stop getting these visitors!

Michele sent me again.
carmilevy said…
The mixer picture has a certain je ne sais quoi about it that practically compels me to stare at it.

I wish I could actually hang with you sometime while you take pictures. I'm sure I'd learn volumes in the process.
utenzi said…
It's just point and shoot, Carmi. No thinking involved for the most part. Occasionally I'll have to make a judgement about f-stop when I want a definite affect with the background but that's not often. Thanks for the compliment tho.

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