Laci of Long Slow Beautiful Dance

Laci, whose blog Long Slow Beautiful Dance is quite beautiful but not all that long yet, is my tenant this week on Blog Explosion. She started her blog in mid April and has had several template changes already. I never saw the original design but her two most recent ones have been beautiful. The title of her blog is well deserved on the design side! I don't know how well it dances tho--maybe that refers to her life, not her blog.

Laci and I have a few things in common. We both love The Amazing Race, have trouble sleeping and like Mustangs. Unfortunately whereas Laci just purchased a 2005 Mustang, I doubt I'll ever own one. I'm just too cheap to spend that much on insurance--but it would be a lot of fun to drive! Especially corners. I love to hit corners really fast! The old truck I drive, however, is less than thrilled to find itself deep in the pocket of a corner with its tires squealing a bit. Like they say, if you can't take a joke...

Oops. Back to Laci! I get sidetracked too easily in the wee hours of the morning.

Laci lives in Kentucky now, over on the Ohio side, but grew up in Texas. She's also got some family here in North Carolina--an aunt and uncle, y'know? In one of Laci's first posts on her blog she said that she didn't think she'd ever move back to Texas. Oh, and that her middle name is Marie. In that same post she mentioned that sometimes she stays in pajamas all weekend long and can drink anyone under the table. You gotta figure Laci can be very interesting to know!

And to add to that interest level, Laci is in television. She works the 4pm to midnight shift in the news department of a TV station as a producer. She also loves TV and has 2 VCRs programmed and running. Too bad she wastes her time on Grey's Anatomy but I guess that's a girl thing.

If you want to read a review of Laci's blog, they did one a month ago on IT2M (I talk too much, for the uninitiated). Laci got 1 out of 5 which isn't all that bad since on IT2M they can be quite honest and unforgiving of blog problems. Getting smacks (a bad thing) is a more frequent analysis than getting points so Laci did well for a new blog. Besides, the main problem was a pixilated header which was changed out a few days later.

Go give her blog a look, folks. As you can tell from what I've said here, it's a very interesting blog and quite lovely to boot!


Catherine said…
I love the Amazing Race, too. Of course it was a New Zealander who came up with it (even if he had to cultivate an American accent to get on TV over there).
Michelle sent me
Jean-Luc Picard said…
I'll take a look....

Michele sent me here.
Star said…
I am also a fan of TAR. I will check out Laci. She sounds like fun. Michele sent me.
rashbre said…
I don't know the Amazing Race, but I have driven a Mustang (convertible) in Maui. As you are a car enthusiast, I've added a reference to this weekend's Amazing Race in leMans, France, where some fine machinery slogs it out.

Here via Michele!

keda said…
i'll take a look but i must admit i have no idea what you are talking about when you talk about your tennants.

and those ferrets below are gorgeous. i'm glad they'll make it!
keda said…
oops here via michele
Panthergirl said…
I had JUST visited Laci, because I updated her story on Adventures in Cyberia! Check it out:
Panthergirl said…
OH..... and I'm here via michele....
Anonymous said…
ya, sure, i'll go check her out. anyone who likes amazing race is my kind of people.

i had a wee glance at your pics there in the sidebar. of you, your girlfriend, your house, your pet. i LOVE your house. LOVE LOVE LOVE it. so gorgeous. the pet, tho, no thanks! what a shock to see that thing staring at me! lol.
Anonymous said…
Blog Explosion sounds very intrigueing. I sure would like to get more traffic to my site. Thanks for timely information.
I came by way of Michele on this Father's Day morning.
Nukapai said…
Hi, I've eyed your blog up for quite some time (seeing as it pops up often in battles) and I am delighted to welcome you as my new "tenant". :)

I'll let you know when I do a write-up!
David Edward said…
do you ever sail? or just visit michele's incessantly ?
Laci said…
Utenzi, thanks for the glowing write-up!

What can I say -- I <3 Grey's Anatomy... It (along with TAR) is one of the very few shows I still watch!

MsT said…
Regarding the Mustang, I had the pleasure of driving a Mustang convertible once, and it was great! My car of choice, however, is the lower end of the Ford spectrum. I went from a 77 Pinto hatchback (!) to an 86 Escort hatchback to a 94 Escort wagon (which was totaled, not my fault) and now have a well loved 97 Escort wagon. Heck, at least it's red! Here from Michele's.
jennypenny said…
Sounds like a fun place. I will have to go by for a visit. I am obsessed with amazing race too.. best reality (or somewhat-reality) show on tv for sure.

Here from Michele's
Michelle said…
I love the Amazing Race, Mustangs too, although BMW's are a wee bit better!
I submitted my blog a few weeks back to IT2much...still waiting for the review. I saw someone got the shortbus off them LOL!
I see you've been smacked...what did the score you Dave?
cmmdtp said…
Hey...I never realized you were in NC. I live in Wendell and work in Raleigh, NC.


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