
Most people who partake of this drug do so in one of 3 forms, coffee, tea or soda. Coffee typically delivers the largest dose with 100mg per 8 ounces being typical. Tea only has a third as much caffeine and soda has a fifth. Chocolate limps way back behind these infusion style drinks in caffeine content.

Caffeine can kill you, but it's not easy to get that much. The LD50 of caffeine is dependent on a person's weight and can be estimated to be about 150 to 200 mg per kg of body weight. So that's essentially a cup of coffee for every pound you weigh. The stereotypical 150 pound person would need to drink 150 cups of coffee in 5 hours time (that's how long it takes the body to break down 50% of the caffeine) to have a 50% chance of dying. That's a lot of coffee! Of course a 10% chance of dying from caffeine overdose would require a lot less coffee, but it's still not much of a danger. People that use diet pills with caffeine are far more likely to die from overdose yet only a few cases of that have been documented in the past decade.

While I think that's going a bit far, caffeine is a drug. Really! It happens to have only limited side effects in humans but some species are more affected by it. Dogs, horses and spiders, for example.

Personally I don't like coffee so my main source of caffeine is soda, which I consume in vast quantities! Mostly for the sweet carbonated goodness, not so much for the caffeine. A more literary exposure to caffeine is the book The Coffee Trader by David Liss. It's a very good book though a little dense for some readers. Liss is well known to make his novel historically accurate and the depth of detail can slow things down a little. This book takes place in Amsterdam in 1659 when coffee first hit the international scene. Coffee had been known to Ethiopians for centuries and more recently to Arab traders, but the mid 1600s was when coffee went into broad circulation. This book chronicles the times by means of one Dutch trader who staked his future on the coffee trade and how the trade affected him and his peers.
I have migrains too. And I used to take Imetrex (sp) but now, I just suffer because I refuse to self inflict that damned shot. Stupid yes. But I learned to control with my diet and sleep (usually) so I've not had a really bad episode in about a year.
Thanks for the BOTB battle - and congrats on the win! You ALWAYS beat me!
Funky effect on spiders.
As for the spiders it's really freaky, they also tested them with all sorts of illicit drugs, with interesting efects, cant find the page but they are out there on the net.
Best Scientist EVER!