other header choices

So what do you think of these two choices for a blog header?

I'm apparently enjoying playing in Photoshop a lot more than coding in Dreamweaver so I'm stuck in the art stage. It's a little silly since I think I'm going to go with a VERY simple template for the moment. I'll just place a header at the top and then have two columns underneath with my doo-dads (profile, Danish flag, etc) over to the left--maybe 120 pixels wide-- and then all the regular content in the central column. I haven't decided if I'll define a background for the main blog or not but the page will just have solid color. Or that's the current strategy. Like I said, Dreamweaver isn't calling my name yet...

(the ducks are a little silly but they looked like they needed crowns)


Michelle said…
I like both :o)
Michelle said…
I like the 2 tone green...very refreshing :o)
Anonymous said…
The cat is so majestic. And flowers and humor of achoo. It wins my vote.
Spock said…
The cat!!! THE CAT!!! Don't make me get all my furriends over here to vote! :)
Lois Lane said…
Yeah, I'm digging the one you have on there now more so than the royal ducks. Happy photoshopping. :)
Anonymous said…
I like the kitty. The ducks make me laugh.
Go with the ducks! The ducks! Duck! Duck! Duck! Goose?

No, Duck!
Lora said…
Okay I'm a girl. I like the pretty bright flowers with the kitty best. It seeems that you are changing your template an awful lot around here. I guess I know who to go to for help when I next change mine.
Erin said…
I like the flowers, although it seems that's the header you put up already. Too late! Nice job - the new colors look like springtime.
Karen said…
I'm so impressed by people that can change the look of their blog. I don't dare mess with mine for fear I'll lose everything. Oh well. I like the new look of yours - it's terrific!

Here via Michele's. Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
Too late to vote on it but I will say I would have picked the one you did! Here via Michele now let me see about that renter of yours.

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