Andrea, my new tenant

Isn't that a beautiful header? Andrea's had several on her blog lately but this one is my favorite.

Paranoia and Other Pleasant Things is a blog written by Andrea, a psychologist in Romania. The design is simple and clean but very appealing. Since her husband, Rob, is a web designer, she's got professional help a step away so it's no surprise her blog looks so great.

Even more impressive is the engine beneath the blog. Her menus and the other techy adornments are great. You can sort the posts by catagory and just look at the ones that appeal to your interests. Since Andrea just started her blog in March 2006 there isn't a lot of content yet but what is there is interesting and well organized. Speaking of content...

Andrea blogs about her job, country, family and other subjects that interest her. She's recently changed the header of her blog and she talks about the Photoshopping experience that was involved. This is definitely an interesting blog and well worth a visit. This is quite a contrast to her first post, back in March, in which the subjects were clits and frog royalty. LOL It does make you curious, doesn't it?

On the left is a recent dinner that Andrea suspects might have once been the Easter Bunny. Sorry, bunny.

You can learn all sorts of things about Romania by reading Andrea's posts. For example, their version of CNN is called RealitateaTV. Who knew?

Here's an excerpt from Andrea's March 30th post that I thought was interesting:

We live in a 4-roomed appartment in the middle of a medium sized city. With our salaries we wouldn't have been able to afford it without a huge mortgage and selling our first born (come to think of it maybe the second, too). Fortunately my parents bought a house not long before I graduated and told their freshly engaged daughter "The two of you should move here from Timisoara if you marry. We'll give you the appartment!"

We lived at that time in a 2-roomed ratcage so this was heavenly music to our ears. We had the wedding, sold the ratcage and moved. Turns out they ..erm.. forgot to mention my sister will be living with us too. "Only temporarily" they said.

Now, let's be clear here. I love my sis to pieces (Hi, D!) and I'd give her a kidney and a lung if she needed them. But just imagine two newlyweds and an opinionated teenager, thrown together, with the teenager feeling her teritory was invaded and the young couple transitioning from sweet solitude to living with someone thay cannot control and cannot escape from .. and neither of parties knowing how long this situation will last. Let's just say there was a lot less fooling around and a lot more fighting (although not between the opposite sexes) than you'd expect from your first two years of marriage.


Robin said…
I love both headers (yours AND Andrea's!) I can't get to Andrea's blog right now for some reason, though. Just popping in to say hi :)
utenzi said…
Thanks, Robin. Hi to you also!

I screwed up entering the BE code for Andrea's site so that was my fault. I have it working now.
Anonymous said…
Oh, wow...LOVE the header. I'm going to visit Andrea and take a look at hers as well.

Visiting from Michele's...
Michelle said…
How pretty! Andrea's is stunning, although the food photos do nothing for me!
Mike said…
That is a great header. Here from Michele
sage said…
THanks for the introduction of Andrea's site. Here from Michele's.
Anonymous said…
Wow what beautiful photo's! I've visited Andrea's blog a couple of times (Each time I've checked by here for updates.) and found it very pleasing to the eye - and intelligently written, which is always a bonus.
carmilevy said…
Hi Utenzi. Popped in from Michele's today.

Thanks for the intro to Andrea. I love her writing and shooting style. How nice it is to see a refreshing new voice in the blogosphere. You sure know how to pick them!
Paste said…
Hi here from Michele's today, I'll pop over and have a look at Andrea's place.
Anonymous said…
oh yoru blog is looking really cute in here...
Over form the other Michele's today..
Marie said…
The photo of the meat is gross, in a cool way of course.
via Michele
jules said…
Nice header!

Michelle sent me!
Karen said…
Yes, the header looks quite nice. Actually, I'm hungry and that food looks good to me, even if it is a bunny.

Nice to stop by again. Here via Michele's.
Prego said…
Thanks for the heads up. And that photo doesn't surprise me, considering the reputation of Eastern European cuisine.
Anonymous said…
Here via Michele's today -- what a nice tribute to another blogger. Enjoyed your header :) -- off to visit andrea :)
kenju said…
I love the new header here (and footer too? )
Panthergirl said…
Dave, you always do such a great job of promoting your tenants! I will pop over to see Andrea right now!

Here by way of michele today... pretty flowers! ;)

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