a pretty little pond

Here's two pictures that relate to the posts from the past 2 days.

If you'll recall yesterday's picture, it was a view across a small pond towards a red azalia bush. Well, this is the view from the azalia bush back in the other direction. The picture above is the formal garden section in the Sarah Duke Gardens of Duke University. Give it a click to see it a little bigger.

The picture below is the corner of the pond that you can't see in the other pictures. It's the prettiest part of this little pond. When you're there you can look into the water and see some huge carp swimming along. They're impressive due to their size--but they're really not very attractive fish.


Begered said…
What pretty ponds! I would love to have a smaller scale of something like that in my backyard. Here from Michele's tonight.
OldLady Of The Hills said…
Beauriful...That is a gorgeous place! I think I see somrone in the bushes in that second photo...(lol)
Did you ever see the movie "Blow-Up"? Antonioni..wonderful film...VERY VERY 60's! It's about a photographer who thinks he see's something....scary and sppoky, sort of. A BEAUTIFUL young Vanessa Redgrave is in it along with a lot of Wonderful English actors..David...(Oh dear, I suddenly cannot think of his last name)...He is the photographer, and he is fabulous!

Here from Michele tonight, my dear Utenzi...
OldLady Of The Hills said…
Oh dear...You mean the post about you know what?

Michele sent me right back to you, my dear....I'll have to check out which post you mean...My mind is gone! Forgive me.
OldLady Of The Hills said…
Michele sent me back once again...
Who got grumpy? (Not your girlfriend, I hope...but maybe it was her...do share...)
Carl V. Anderson said…
Visiting from Michele.

Those are great pictures and that looks like a lovely place. In fact it looks like the perfect place to take a good book, find a quiet spot, and simply get lost. I'm now counting the minutes until the weekend begins!
Sue said…
Michele says Hi today.

Love your photos :)
Anonymous said…
That must be gorgeous place to visit! Loved the photos, very peacefull too.
Here from Micheles, but thanks for stopping by my site the other day!
Nice to meetcha ;)
Hi Utenzi!

Here from Michele today... That place just looks lovely! I wish I could go visit, but not find people making-out along my path!
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi...here from Michele's today.

Wow, that is such a beautiful picture of the view from the bush. It's really peaceful and inviting.
Erin said…
What a gorgeous place - wish I could go for a walk somewhere like that! Thanks for sharing a moment of serenity.
Alex said…
Hi from Michele!
Loverly pictures :) I must find a place like that for myself.
Leslie Shelor said…
Charming spot!

Here from Michele, hello!
Anonymous said…
Duke is such a pretty campus. I haven't visited in years though. Now that I live in the area, I should. . .Have a great weekend!
OldLady Of The Hills said…
Problems, my dear? Or is the turtle on it's way...?
I have a NEW post up..and wanted to let you know...Hope the repairs go well!
kenju said…
Isn't it great that we live so close to that beautiful spot? I don't go there often enough.
Johnny Wadd said…
What a scenic spot to get raped!
utenzi said…
There's a nasty little thought, JW. I went to your blog and saw that your employment changed. That's too bad--your blog was great. I read it all the time on BE. Your new blog looks to carry on the tradition you had before. Good luck with your next endeavor, JW.

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