nature and nuptials
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Like in the last few pictures here, this is on the Duke University campus. Quite a few weddings occur here in the gardens every summer and the vine covered arbor at the top of this picture is a very common place to perform the ceremony.
The setting is peaceful and beautiful. A fitting place to begin a marriage. For the more formal, Duke U also has a Gothic Cathedral that is quite impressive in a much more formal way. It's beautiful but a little intimidating!
It just seems to me that being outside to get married makes a much nicer ceremony. Of course you do have to worry about nature and the mishaps that can happen if you go that route. A violent rainstorm can really put a damper on the ceremony!
Like in the last few pictures here, this is on the Duke University campus. Quite a few weddings occur here in the gardens every summer and the vine covered arbor at the top of this picture is a very common place to perform the ceremony.
The setting is peaceful and beautiful. A fitting place to begin a marriage. For the more formal, Duke U also has a Gothic Cathedral that is quite impressive in a much more formal way. It's beautiful but a little intimidating!
It just seems to me that being outside to get married makes a much nicer ceremony. Of course you do have to worry about nature and the mishaps that can happen if you go that route. A violent rainstorm can really put a damper on the ceremony!
I've added you to my blog roll :)
I was thinking about the Wedding thing some more and out of 38 Weddings that I have done, there have only been two that were inside. ALL the others were outdoors in a Garden of someones home or at various Hotels or one at a Rented Estate, etc...I actually had not thought about that in depth till I saw this Garden and commented, and then later I thought, it really was only
two weddings. I think that is amazing, in a way...All of the weddings were here in Greater L.A., some out in Malibu and SAnta Monica and The Marina, and the rest, ALL over the place...Didn't that just put you to sleep?
But my dream wedding is outside, either at dusk or at midnight, blazing torches and everything. A religious ceremony in the church of Mother Nature :-)
Michele sent me
Nice pic.
Michele says howdy!
I'm getting married in October and I never even considered getting married outside - even on the most beautiful of days, I wouldn't want to deal with wind, bugs, sun or any other force that might distract me or my guests! I do love the outdoors very much, just not for my wedding ceremony. :)
That looks like a lovely venue for a wedding. But I must say, as a KY Wildcat fan, I do not find Duke's basketball team to be lovely. :-)
Photographically, I also didn't need to have a flash go off every time I shot. It was easier to hang back and silently shoot into the scene. The results always leapt off the page.
Your images of these campus scenes make me wish I still did this type of work. Instead, I'll enjoy your perspective.
Michele sent me this time.
i also laughed out loud at some of those jokes below!
hope you had a good weekend babe, i'm here via michele today.
Duke campus is gorgeous. I was just telling my son the other day that Duke was such a pretty campus and such a good school (hint hint) but he's kinda stuck on going to school around here.
Here via Michele today.
As for outdoor weddings - we didn't attempt. A friend did. It turned out ok if you ignored the squishy, muddy ground under your feet. ;)
Michele sent me over to enjoy your photos.
I like the nature and the lovely flowers and the calm feeling one gets from looking at them. Well, except for the couple in the trees making out, but if you hadn't said anything I wouldn't have noticed. My pictures have been tending towards this lately too... something in the air over North Carolina and Virginia perhaps?
And also love outdoor weddings. Especially overlooking the water. Much nicer than inside a church, I think.
Michele sent me.
Lois Lane