it's a game

This little game tests your patience, reflexes, and computer equipment. I'm using a trackball that has the ball under my thumb. For many applications this works great for me. However my thumb isn't nimble enough for a game like this. I can't get past 20 seconds and tonight, needing to come up with a screen capture, I only got a bit past 15 seconds.

So just how good are YOU?!

If you want to see my score, you'll definitely have to click on the picture to get the full size version.

If you want to play, just go to this site and try it out.

I still haven't reviewed my tenant's blog site and it's a shame. I've been reading his posts and he's very, very good. I'm not sure how many of you will find his blog appealing but since I have a slight background in business and economics it's very appealing stuff to me.

He's in an MBA program over in Oslo, Norway and really seems to know his stuff. No doubt he'll be a definite contribution to the world once he graduates and gets out to make his mark on the world.

Hopefully I'll do a review tomorrow but there's just so much information there. It's like being in a store full of candy and knowing that your pockets are only so big....

UPDATE: made it past 18 seconds!


WendyWings said…
Na uh not going to try it I think I know what happens LOL
Michele sent me. :)congrats on the haircut btw ;)
jac said…
maaaannnnnnn! i SO SUCK at that game. i'm lucky to get past 3 seconds!
i just don't have the concentration gene intact!
i'm here from michele's
Kimmy said…
Hello, Michele sent me.
Now I'm going to check out the game...Good morning!
srp said…
I've tried that game before.. turned out worse than you. BTW, I love the cartoons and jokes in the last post. Great job!
Here from Michele, early this morning.
Kimmy said…
Hello! Michele sent me!
I'm hooked on that game. I've only tried it six times, but can't get past 4.85. Great! And I was getting ready to hit the sack!
angela marie said…
I think that looks like a game my husband would like!
SassyAssy said…
I gave up on the game since I lack coordination and patience. Give me Sudoku anytime over this.

Ps--don't you know, you never ever tell a gal that her girlfriend is prettier than her (even if it is true)? For shame, Utenzi!
Lois Lane said…
I hate you and the maker of that game. :P And NO! I will not share my score with you.
Have a great weekend!
Lois Lane
Karen said…
That's harder than it looks!

btw, Michele sent me!
I don't get how to play the game???? Where are the instructiins/explainations?
All I do is put my mouse on the thing itit goes to the same thing each time...0.375 seconds! HA HA HA!

Good luck to me!

Here from Michele today dear Utenzi...
Jean-Luc Picard said…
It looks VERY annoying!

Michele sent me here.
Just what I needed, another distraction to become obsessed with. 21.04, by the way. Michele sent me.
Ciera said…
Dang...I almost made it to 18 seconds [won't tell you what try it was]....looks addictive LOL
Anonymous said…
My kids play that game but I completely and totally suck at it. I need games that don't count on hand-eye coordination because evidentally I was born without any!

Here via Michele
Anonymous said…
took a few tries but I made it to 20.687 seconds. Keep trying to beat that but don't come close! aaaargggghhh! Very addicting. Thanks alot!! :)
Michelle said…
Nobody sent me Dave, i came i saw, i never conquered :(...11 seconds!
Anonymous said…
I dont think I have the patience for that game. BUT... I did get a laugh out of the shark cartoon. (Especially since I am a diver!)

Here from Michele's...
Viamarie said…
Tried 5 times and I made it only up to 8 seconds. What a shame!

Have a funfilled weekend.
Anonymous said…
I am afraid to try after the game I tried at Chatty's and Linda Blair jumped out of the screen and scared me too death.

Love the kitty banner...

Michele say's hello this morning.
utenzi said…
The game is more about pattern recognition than anything else. Teresa alluded to that yesterday and Bebopper must have recognized it to get past 20 seconds. Once you have the pattern, it should be easy to get past 15 seconds at least half the time--if you aren't using a damn trackball!
Anonymous said…
never have been too good at the online games... here from micheles.
Anonymous said…
I find that people are more likely to click through from an actual link within a post than by using the thumbnail in the sidebar. So even if you're not ready to review your tenant's site yet, you might want to post a link within the body of a post to give him some traffic in the meantime.
guppyman said…
28.961 seconds on the first try....

Michele says Howdy!
utenzi said…
Holy crap, Guppyman. That's amazing!
Jennifer said…
here from michele's... going to play this now!
Spock said…
This game is HIGHLY addictive & mine Mommie wants to know...WHAT were you thinking showing that to Oreo?!?!?!

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