very slow

It's me I'm talking about in that title. I'm slow as molasses in January. And somewhere cold. Molasses is flowing fairly well around here this Winter.

This is the graphics and CSS side of the design I'm working on. I love the picture but it'll only be around for a short while. For some reason lots of people find it disturbing! Silly folk. LOL


Once I get the CSS and blogger data working right I'll put it up on the Blogger site and then get started on making some permanent graphics. The ones you see to the left were just something I was having fun with. Then it's on to themes or skins. But given how slow I've been with this so far... don't hold your breath!

Woof, woof!


Anonymous said…
Strange pic, utenzi, to say the least. But it is your blog. Show us what you can. Michele sent me this rainy afternoon. With only 5ºC outside...
Anonymous said…
its ok..............
No matter what others say.....
thanks for stopping..
I made my new BFF for the nice things you said..
Ciera said…
I do not have words for that pic...other than he looks kind of sad.
Panthergirl said…
EEeeeeeeeek.... i'm really creeped out by the picture!! Is this going to be an additional blog? Or replacing this one?

When I first started my blog I almost named it "Woof" because it was going to be primarily about greyhounds. Funny, huh?

Here by way of michele, but I'm always happy to visit.
Diane Mandy said…
I like it! I think it has character.
SassyAssy said…
It is creative. I have to are the first science dude I have met that was creative and had personality.

What are you using to create your new blog? I have a friend who wants to do a picture across the top of his blog like you have & I can't figure it out yet.
Spock said…
I'm not skeered!! Just a dumb ole woofie!
Michelle said…
I love the pic! I just dislike the color, it's gross ;)
Carol said…
I think he looks kinda sad, too. Good luck with the changes you're making.
Anonymous said…
Actually Dave, I'm *terrified* of dogs in real life. I was attacked by two dalmations as a child and since then, I'm even terrified to death of chihuahuas even lol So I'm not too fond of the doggy with the spooky eyes lol
Lisa said…
very interesting picture. The eyes kind of scare me. If you use that for your header, I'll have to scroll VERY quickly past it so I don't get frightened... LOL..

Actually here via Michele today...
Fern Bourrie said…
Yeah, interestingly strange picture. Glad to know it's not permanent. Can't wait to see your new design! here via michele
ribbiticus said…
i like it...except for the eyes maybe. i understand how it may creep out other people. hey, but it's your blog so you have the final say. :)
kenju said…
Have you warmed up yet, Utenzi?
Michele sent me this morning.
Viamarie said…
I find it creepy.

Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
Yaaggghhh! That is one creepy pooch!

Don't feel bad about the cold though. I wish it was winter here in Australia right now. These hot, hot days are killers : )
carmilevy said…
This picture has such...tone. Rich and memorable. I can see why you want to use it for the banner.
He is rather scary looking as a disembodied head...It's hard to look at and contemplate what happened to him, you know?

I'm here from Michele this morning, dear Utenzi!
Heather said…
Ohh I like the design... Wooofff!!

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