I was hoping to have my next post accompanied by a new blog design. But the lazy title comes into play here. Every time I get Dreamweaver up and running I find some excuse to put off doing the coding.
And I've been lazy with the Photoshop side also--which is very unlike me. I love playing in Photoshop. Something must be wrong! Anyway, I've done one silly header, the one at the left.
I want to do a few more headers and decide which one I like the most--or maybe make skins out of them so they'd be user selectable. Too bad I've been so lazy with the coding side of things, eh? As things stand, I'm way far away from doing anything that complicated.
In any case, I need to make a few graphics to put at the top of the columns--I think it'll be a 2-column design--and then finish the color scheme and the general CSS nonsense. Given how busy I've been at my lab the past two weeks, I doubt I'll get this done for at least another week yet.
My priorities are obviously skewed here. Why isn't my blog coming before my job and sleep? LOL

I want to do a few more headers and decide which one I like the most--or maybe make skins out of them so they'd be user selectable. Too bad I've been so lazy with the coding side of things, eh? As things stand, I'm way far away from doing anything that complicated.
In any case, I need to make a few graphics to put at the top of the columns--I think it'll be a 2-column design--and then finish the color scheme and the general CSS nonsense. Given how busy I've been at my lab the past two weeks, I doubt I'll get this done for at least another week yet.
My priorities are obviously skewed here. Why isn't my blog coming before my job and sleep? LOL
I use a 17' 'Emotion' down here on the intercoastal in Florida.
I really am looking forward to the new design though!
Diane, thanks for visiting so late. I know you start off your day very early--with lots of coffee. Some of your posts are around 7am! Which isn't much after when I go to bed.
Stephanie, you're absolutely right. I do have to get that design done and implemented. And I suspect once I've done one--a lot more will get done since I'll know what I'm doing at that point.
Chris, I love kayaking. It's great being out on the water. My favorite kayak is a foot shorter than yours but I never take it on rivers, just lakes. I almost moved to FL 7 years ago just because of all the small lakes in the region between Tampa and Orlando.
Just kidding. I still can't get to my freekin' updates from my adventures on my trip, because of all the work I came back to. Oh, and my new home machine (laptop) hasn't arrived yet, which doesn't help.
I look forward to seeing your new creation, even with the "CSS nonsense" (ehhe... CSS is good!)