Well, this is the new look to the blog. At least for a few days. As you can see, there's a number of places where my graphics are less than seamless. Dammit. There's a reason people pay money to have a professional do this crap! LOL
Actually I enjoy doing this and even the aggravation of having things not work right is something I like since I love to fiddle with things--trying to get them just right. Just ask my girlfriend, another work in progress.
I also love to complain about things that I'm working on that aren't quite right--which is what this post is all about. Me bellyaching. :-)
For anyone that hasn't been here before or hasn't in a while, the picture to the left is the way the blog used to look. I've still got to insert some javascript and blog links into the template here but it's mostly finished.
Well, this will be the learning experience that enables me to make the blog of my dreams. LOL

I also love to complain about things that I'm working on that aren't quite right--which is what this post is all about. Me bellyaching. :-)
For anyone that hasn't been here before or hasn't in a while, the picture to the left is the way the blog used to look. I've still got to insert some javascript and blog links into the template here but it's mostly finished.
Well, this will be the learning experience that enables me to make the blog of my dreams. LOL
About the only thing I can think of - and it's a really minor one - is that the banner picture, wonderful as it is, is too tall. I've got to scroll through an awful lot of photo before I get to the good stuff. On lower-res screens, it may not even be initially apparent that this is a blog.
Sorry for letting the below-the-fold mentality of a journalist get through there.
Here via Michele's!
Give that dog red eyes if he is indeed the helldog.
Michele sent me.
Chronicler, thanks for your compliment.
Deputy's Wife, yeah, that was part of the point. Since originally the picture was just for myself--to get the sizing right--nobody else was going to see it. I just got attached to it so that's why it's still there. Like I mentioned to Carmi, I'm going to replace the picture soon. I do like it tho.
Teresa. :-p
Judy, I'll probably change the CSS to create larger print. I have to see what it looks like on the small screen of my laptop at work to get more of a feel for it. On my monitor here at home, with the res cranked all the way up, it's really, really small.
But...the Head Of The Dog....Oh Dear! I find it painful, truly...
But, my dear Utenzi, it's your blog and you need it to reflect you and who you are.
So...are you saying you are the head of a beheaded dog-wolf???
Here from Michele today...
I like the background color but These Old Eyes wish the font was bigger or Bold...
I find the Dog-Wolf head very very painful...and those eyes....!
But, it is your blog Utenzi and it should reflect who you are....
So...Are You saying that you are the diembodied head of a Dog-Wolf with glassy dead eyes???