
A Christmas tree is so pretty when all lit up. Here's a few things I've shamelessly raided from other websites about Christmas trees:

Tree worship can be traced back to the ancient world. Evergreens and wreaths have been used as symbols of life and rebirth from ancient times.

Bringing greenery into your home during the dark of winter symbolized life in the midst of death.

The Romans decorated their homes with evergreens during the Kalends in January. The Germans brought living trees into their homes during the feast of Yule.

It is believed that the Christmas tree originated in the Paradise Tree which was used in medieval plays about Adam and Eve, and that it symbolized the Garden of Eden. During the 15th Century Germans began to put the tree up on December 24th.

Trees that remain green in the winter have been symbolic of life in the midst of death, and of rebirth, in many cultures.

The Christian folk-religious custom of erecting and adorning evergreen trees in the middle of winter was borrowed directly from existing practice, regardless of whether the custom had pagan roots. Some of the existing meaning has been carried over into Christian culture, together with these practices. On the other hand, trees appear with symbolic meaning throughout the Bible: and the Christmas tree alludes to and builds upon this biblical symbolism.

The Christmas tree symbolizes, in part, the promised "Branch", the Messiah, who must be the "Root of Jesse", the descendant prefigured by Jesse's royal son, David.

The tree symbolizes the human geneaology of Jesus and especially his tie to David's royal line through Solomon, which had been perplexingly cut off by God from ever inheriting the throne, after Jeconiah.

This connection to the cut-off line is symbolized by the cut-down tree, and is indirectly a symbol of the Son of God


Anonymous said…
Great entry...- I love learning the traditions behind what we do....

Michele sent me..

Anonymous said…
I remember learning back in the day when I was a Theo major about how the priests in Britain couldn't stop the people from still following the old traditions - such as celebrating the winter solstice with evergreens and mistletoe - and so they declared them Christian and created a new mythology around them. For some reason, it really amused me.
Anonymous said…
I'm so jealous of the tree. We were supposed to get one in my apartment this year (and last) but it hasn't happened.
Anonymous said…
Lovely post! Here via Michele
Anonymous said…
christmas in our house can never be complete without a christmas tree. one time, our really old tree decided it was time to be fossil fuel a few days before christmas. my mom suggested we just get a new tree the following year but we kids were adamant about getting one pronto. whereever would we have put all the presents under? :)
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing the origin of the Christmas tree. :)
Anonymous said…

Hooray for our Christmas wishes being granted by the women everyone loves>> Lois Lane!

I enjoyed the Christmas Tree presentation.

I invite you to come by and visit me at Life In THe Desert.

N a m a s t e
Anonymous said…
That is a good post, Dave. I should print that and hand it to anyone who tells me that the Christmas tree is a Pagan symbol.
Anonymous said…
I assume this lovely piece of greenery is your tree. Nice post too.

here via Michele tonight.
Anonymous said…
That was facinating and I love the tree shots. How did you get the lights to turn out on your camera? I have a digital one and have had trouble getting it to come out right at night with the lights on. I'd love any tips you have!

Enjoy your holiday and Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Marcia. I think the tree was a pagan ritual that the Christians co-opted. I just don't think there were that many evergreens in ancient Isreal. Not that the Christian symbolism isn't beautiful, it just isn't the original meaning.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful tree shots! Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Well, i don't care what it means. I love the Christmas tree in all it's splendor, great post!
Anonymous said…
nice looking tree there Utenzi--from Michele's
Anonymous said…
Your tree post is WAY better than my tree post.
Anonymous said…
I always learn something new when I visit your site. Thanks for've put trees in a whole new perspective for me!
Anonymous said…
V-E-R-Y Interesting...! I've seen some of those yhings before, but not all, by any means...Loved those pictures of Christmas Trees, Too!

Here from Michele tonight, Utenzi.
Anonymous said…
Interesting post. Some of those I knew about, but had forgotten. And others were new info. Always good to learn new things.

visiting from micheles.
Anonymous said…
I just read your comment on my blog and you gave me the best laugh I've had all day! You are too funny. You are right..THEIR 2005 was so hoorible who wouldf want that!!!??? LOL
And yes, Glenn, Jr. lives just West of me, in the 'flats' of West Hollywood...(A Very Sweet Boy)...not too far from me, really...
That gave me a good laugh, too...
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me right on back again, Urenzi..She ddn't know I had come by on my own to Comment on your Comment! (lol)
Always happy to be here, however I get here!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea that the christmas tree ad a symbolic link back to the bible.....i am so glad it does :o)
Anonymous said…
I have stopped putting up a Christmas tree. Apartments are just too small for it. Now I just put decorations on my ficus tree.

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