holiday pics

Now that Thanksgiving is just around the corner--at least here in the US--it's time to think about shopping for presents and here's a few pictures to put you in the mood. For shopping, that is.

Any cynical folk out there might be thinking that I'm posting this in an attempt to put off writing my novel on NaNoWriMo--and you're probably correct.

It's just too many words for one month! Dammit.

So anyway, here you have a cute dog in the midst of scraps of wrapping paper. Awwww!

His name is Tibbet which represents his breed, Tibetan Terrier. He looks very energetic in the picture. Looks are very deceiving here! His only energy is displayed when either food is at hand, or squirrels are in the yard.

Here's a lovely Winter scene on cotton. I took the picture using ambient light so that the flash wouldn't drown out the effect of the lights under the cotton.

Please forgive the lack of clothing on a few of the subjects. They know not what they do!

Here we have a rogue's gallery of angels. I think they're on break or something. The one closest to us seems to be snoozing.


Oh well, she looks a little frayed anyway. Laughing anyone? She's made of rope, people! Frayed, rope. Get it?

Jeeze. I need a better audience!


Anonymous said…
Not ready for Thanksgiving let alone much going on in my family right now. Hey, how's your ankle? Here from michele's.
Anonymous said…
I had a good laugh , utenzi! but I am still worried about the bird. I checked with my freezer, which told me you could keep them up to 8 months in there, -19ºC (you do the conversion, I am bad doing these things). We wish you a merry Xmas (sing out loud and repeat). Here via Michele's, that's the way I got to meet you.
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi. Tibbet is a beautiful dog. What a face! (Makes me want one even entry for another day, perhaps.)

The picture-on-cotton is stunning. Good strategy to go ambient. It has an almost ethereal quality to it.

OK, Michele sent me, but I'm now going to bug out our family to the mall. The winds are getting worse, and things are flying through the air. Later...I hope!
utenzi said…
Safe traveling, Carmi. The mall is sure to be safer than being at home.
Anonymous said…
tibbet looks so much like tatiana, the dog i lost a year ago. i still have 2 other but i still miss her...:(

anyhoo, love your chtistmas pics. as it happens, we will be putting up our christmas decorations by this week. we always start off early here. :)
me said…
nice pics....

I am putting off my NaNoWriMo for sure...signed up then nadda, zilch I have written a total of 0 so far.... yet I blog on. :-)

Here from Michele's :-)
Anonymous said…
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow...well something like that :o)

Michelle sent me today...again :o)
Anonymous said…
Is Richard Gere behind that cute dog???? Michele sent me again your way to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
Anonymous said…
Our friends used to have a Tibetian , they are gorgeous dogs :)
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi. Michele sent me today.

Your last paragraph reminds me of a joke about a rope in a bar, stop me if you've heard it before!
Anonymous said…
HI Utenzi, here from Michele's and from the lovely warm spring weather in Sydney!
Anonymous said…
I love Christmas presents...if you need a reason to get away from doing your work then you can start Christmas shopping for me ;)
Anonymous said…
Christmas is my fav time of the year!
Although mine won't have snow, but it will have tropical islands...beaches....
utenzi said…
Michelle! That's just cruel. I like this GIF of you a lot more than the witch you were using last month. *leer*

Dawn, what an interesting idea!
Anonymous said…
Boy you Americans celebrate Thanksgiving just like we Canadians celebrate Christmas;)
utenzi said…
You caught me, Carol. I never did actually say I was talking about Xmas up there. Oops.
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi, thanks for popping by my blog.

I often use blogging as a way of putting off doing real work - one of the hazards of working from home, as it means I end up doing work stuff in a rush at midnight!

Christmas frenzy is in full flow here in the UK, as we have no thanksgiving to get in the way, and Bonfire Night is ever & done with.
Anonymous said…
Utenzi: The dog could even sit or stand in a gift bag! As for the naked figurines, it's a wonder Hugh Hefner hasn't marketed Playmate decorations! I caught the last 2 minutes of him saying "Goodnight to his 4 girlfriends (or is it 7 now?) and he looked "worse for the wear" in his silk robe. (Laugh)
Anonymous said…
"They know not what they do" LOL!!!

Funny! I bet a lot of teens have tried to claim that, grown ups to.

A frayed angel. Hmm. Well, maybe she's my guardian angel...I know it can't be an easy job...
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Yes... you are very right about "ratty" and "dogged". Very good find... I send applause your way... check your mail... NOW! Because if you don't... those applause will expire and then they start to smell reeeeeeeeaaaaallll bad. Oh... "batty"... that's another one. Like "That guy is real batty".
utenzi said…
Excellent point, Tim. Batty is another good example.
Anonymous said…
Your angel cmment reminded me of a great joke:
So, 3 pieces of string walk into a bar. The first one asks for a beer. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve string here." The second string asks for wine. He says," Nope, we don't serve string." The third string ties himself in a knot and frays his top half, walks up to the bar and asks for a martini. The bartender says "Arn't you a string?" And the string says, "No, Sir. I'm a frayed knot."
Get it? Hyuk Hyuk.
utenzi said…
That is a great joke, Tara. I once heard a naughty version of that but I dare not post it where young eyes might see it!
Anonymous said…
Utenzi, that dog is precious (I don't use that word often)!

How did the turkey turn out? Ot is in still in the oven? LOL
Anonymous said…
Frayed I'm knot laughing is what I wanted to say but Tara spilled the punchline. :(
Lois Lane

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