Breast Cancer Research
(I didn't edit this at all yet, so it's going to be a mite hard to follow. I was tired when I wrote it) M onday was a very long day at work. I didn't get home until after 11pm, largely due to a grant meeting that my boss wanted me to attend. A s it turned out, there was little reason for me to attend, and since it got out at 9:30pm, after most of the buses stopped running --I had a nice little hike in the rain. Y et it wasn't all bad. The meeting itself had a lot of interesting moments. Since my work is very technical and detail oriented I rarely deal with the big picture of cancer--I just work on defining surface markers and measuring how different drugs change the morphology of cells and the genetic profile of the targeted normal and cancerous cells. It's my boss that worries about the big picture. A s a result, this meeting of the top 9 MDs and 2 PhDs in our breast cancer research program was very illuminating to me. That night I saw just how the work I was doin...