voting is open

Derek Lowe, over at Corante, has a great post on the Nobel prize in medicine.

Vote today! The issue at stake is whether I should keep my little javascript floater you see at the top of the screen. Lois objects to it, and I must admit the damn things can be annoying. What do you think? Let me know, because at least here your vote does count!


Anonymous said…
At first it didn't even appear for me, so I guessed that it wasn't going to annoy me. But Lois is right... it's annoying. Beyond annoying. Kill it!!!!
utenzi said…
I hear you Tazz. That's one vote against.
Anonymous said…
Does the fact I'd not noticed before mean anything?
utenzi said…
It wsn't there before, Claire. I just added the javascript for the popup earlier today.
Anonymous said…
Casting my official nay vote... :D
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
Just say NO! Sorry Utenzi, it is annoying.
utenzi said…
It's looking like I might have to ban my little pop-up over to some other site. *pout*

Both Lois and Chris voted nay! Oy vai! (it rhymed and it's a Jewish holiday today)
Anonymous said…
It IS annoying, Utenzi, I first thought I had something wrong with my eyes.
Anonymous said…
I vote no on the floater. Sorry. I did my senior paper and presentation on H. pylori in college. I can't believe they are just now being recognized.
Anonymous said…
I'd say slap the little banner into oblivion
utenzi said…
Dammit. I liked that little sucker. I should have never opened this up to democratic process. Oh, Hell.
Anonymous said…
THE NAYS HAVE IT!! Woohoo! Thanks Dave you're a peach. :D
Lois Lane

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