
I'm curious to know what the rest of you want for your next toy? A lot of bloggers are stay-at-home Moms and probably don't have a lot of extra money, but toys are still vital for ones mental health. Ask any crazy person when they last bought a pretty toy? I bet it's been a long time and perhaps, just perhaps, that might be the root of their mental ills.

**yeah, yeah, yeah--don't give me a hard time all you do-gooders, I was only KIDDING!**

I'm a guy and we tend to like shiny toys. No, not shoes! You are definitely thinking like a girl if you said that! I mean shiny like a digital camera or one of those new Apple iPod Nanos. I 'spose if I had lots of money it'd be a sleek sports car--but I don't dammit, so something in the $150-400 range is where I look for a toy.

Anyway, that's my choice. I'll possibly get an iPod but more likely a new digital camera. The one I'm using now is almost 3 years old and has a horrible macro function and after being dumped in lakes a few times while kayaking, sometimes it acts a little flaky.

What's your next toy likely to be???


Anonymous said…
After what I've read this week about the nano's cracking and scratching screen, I think I'll take a pass. I think I'd hold onto my money and put it toward a Nikon digital SLR. I like the D70s, but it's still only a 6 MP-class device. I'll wait for their next generation, then start bagging away the dollars in earnest.

Visiting from Michele's. Thanks for helping me dream!
utenzi said…
It's easy to tell you're a professional, Carmi. While I'd love a dSLR I can settle for anything that has aperture priority and 5MP. The largest prints I make are 24x36 and as long as there's no cropping I can do that with 5MP. 16x20 is my preferred size but my 3MP gets grainy at that size.

I'd not heard of the problems with the iPod Nano screens, Carmi. Thanks for the warning!
Anonymous said…
Here from Michele's this time.
i suppose an iPod is next on my wish list. Unless I win the lottery, then it's a Porsche 911. :-)
Anonymous said…
Toy? I'm pretty topped up for toys. I got nothing on the wishlist. Great Big Sea's new CD is on the horizon but that's a small amount. There's not even a book I want. I got a camera I'm happy with and a radio. Christmas will be a toughie this year.

(Michele sent me this time.)
Anonymous said…
Ha! I wandered over all by myself! (Pretty good for a card-carrying so-called 'crazy'... LOL)

I'm glad ya qualified the girly comment w/ 'just kidding'.. since it's my belief that only girls.. CRAZY girls.. actually really appriciate good toys.

My next? In that price range? I want that Gorilla robot toy from Sharper Image that belches, farts.. and fetches beers. He looks waycool. (I know, I know.. I do not speak for my gender, hahahahaa)
Anonymous said…
I'd like two new toys... a scanner/printer and a better digital camera.

Did you notice my glazed expression as I read about the SLRs and D70s things. That's because I know nothing... NOTHING... about cameras, digital or otherwise. All I know is that my current cheap camera does okay but picture quality leaves a lot to be desired. (I'm assuming its because of the camera and not because I don't have PhotoShop to play with.)
Anonymous said…
Oh my list of toys is longer than my arm! However, the next toy I buy myself is going to be a new computer. This one is on its last leg. I've killed it through the last 4 years of college, pictures, blogging, etc. I want a new one. A bigger, better, faster one. One that I DO NOT have to share with my children!
Anonymous said…
Oh, and I just realized that the number one toy I NEED, not just want but NEED is a door like they have at the grocery store. When you step on the pad, the door slides open. Yea. I want one of those so my dogs can go in and out at their leisure and I don't have to stop, in the middle of a blog comment and run down the 30 foot hallway to let the scratching 200 lb menace in the house so he doesn't break the damn sliding glass door down! That is what I need!
Anonymous said…
What I would like is a new flat screen monitor for this computer.
Anonymous said…
I meant to say a flat panel monitor.
Anonymous said…
My new toy is a ThinkPad Tablet PC; I got it in order to practice digital artwork, and maybe take notes in class. It's pretty cool.
Anonymous said…
I want a fire engine red mix-master and a bread maker... I probably won't use them but that's not the point. :o)
Anonymous said…
I forgot to say that that was my "michele sent me" comment. I'd lose my head if it wasn't screwed on!
Anonymous said…
Utenzi, I just asked a favor of you at Michele's, which is to pass a message on to Chatty for me. Can you do that, please?
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Utenzi, I appreciate it!

Michele sent me again.
me said…
Well my next toy is going to be a ipod nano or a new mobile phone (samsung D500 looks nice) or...nope too many things to choose from and just no spare cash....
Anonymous said…
Well, here I am again, thanks to Michele!
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me....

And for my next toy..not sure, but as long as it's male..*grin*

Anonymous said…
i'd love a new digital camera. i have an ipod photo and love it. i'm getting some reallllly cool new appliances for the new house. they have lots of buttons and are super quiet ;) i think as far as new toys i'd like a few new tv's. we were hoping to get one or two for the new place but looks like no. :(

here via michele.
Anonymous said…
I just recently got a new computer and an IPOD, and The Hubster bought a massage chair for us, so I'm fresh out of new toys to want. I'm certain I can think of something, though......

Michele sent me.;)
Anonymous said…
An iPod is definitely on my list!
Anonymous said…
See, I must be quite the girl because up until you said NOT SHOES, I was going to say a pair of sweater boots...

So, hmmm... okay, if I can't say that then I'll go with digital camera. I'm still stuck in the stone age of film developing--ack!
Anonymous said…
Are floormats a toy? Or are they too functional to count as a toy? In any case, I think floormats for the Jeep are my next splurge.

More toy-like in my wish list, I'm thinking about a new cell phone, either with a camera or the ipod/cell phone thing that Cingular has.
Anonymous said…
I helped a friend buy a new laptop this week, and it has made me think I'd like to have a new one.

For a smaller indulgence, I'm wanting some of those nifty flash drives I can take with me on my keychain.
Anonymous said…
ROFL...we're in the middle of selling our house, and the big joke around here is that I'm that much closer to a new pair of shoes (which I actually need, as I have three kids, and they get all the shoes...). But I'm quite sure that hubby will be buying a new camera...he's wantin' one of those SLR digitals. :)

Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I hate to copy but a new digital camera has been on my wish list for awhile now. I've had the same one for six years. I want high shutter speed and better zoom! I'm a scrapbooker, so this is a big thing on my wants list.

I also saw this really cool portable BBQ cooker. I love kitchen gadgets!
Anonymous said…
Oops. Forgot to say...Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
My husband has already wished for a new camera...that doesn't really interest me. I like the 3 we already have. If truth be told, I would like someone to come clean my house.If someone else cleaned for me than I could play with the toys I already have! :-)

Here via Michele!
Anonymous said…
Hi, I found your blog through Michele's. I want a new computer. My 4 year old laptop died at the end of August, and I'm borrowing an old horribly slow desktop computer from my sister until I can afford a nice FAST new one.
Anonymous said…
Hi, my bday is coming up so I want a digital camera! I have used my son's old one but it isn't very good. The problem is, the supply is sooooo large I am rather confused... But a digital camera, please.
Anonymous said…
My latest toy was a gift from my mom. She and I went shopping over the weekend. I was checking out the down comforters (something I have wanted for at least 20 years) and she grabbed one and said she knew I always wanted one. I tried talking her out of it because it was expensive. She told me to shut my pie hole. While it doesn't really sound like a cool toy, to me, it really is. Imagine 40 degrees below zero in the windy city!
Lois Lane
utenzi said…
Mmm. Down is so warm! I love being warm in cold weather. I have a very light down comforter that I use on my couch but I kick out so much heat when I'm sleeping that I don't need one for my bed. Even last winter when my heat kept breaking down I never needed to use the heavy down comforter that my parents gave me a few years back.
Anonymous said…
yes I do agree with you man!!!
Anonymous said…
I am a gadget girl...I want a Dyson vacuum cleaner and DVR...okay, I just like to shop. Best Buy is a heavenly place to me.
Anonymous said…
Definately new ipod for me! Hmmm, perhaps a new cell phone too :)
Anonymous said…
This summer I got a new Dell pc, a new cell phone, and a Canon digital camera. So, I shouldn't be getting anything else, but I'm currently trying to decide between an Ipod Nano or a Dell DJ.
Anonymous said…
Great blog. I will remember to come back here for for insight intocell phone I found this info useful also cell phone

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