Are you experienced?

Those immortal words so famously sung by Jimi Hendrix are on my mind today. Or more accurately, what are you experienced in?

For some reason--probably all the mentions of digital cameras on my last post--I've been thinking about how many bloggers edit their digital photographs. And that in turn made me think about how many people use editing software for their blog code. Here on Blogger you don't need to use an external editor though I use Dreamweaver whenever I do anything very complicated.

So my question for today is what software, if any, do you use for photographs or editing HTML? I use Dreamweaver MX or the default Blogger interface for HTML and ACDSee for easy photo edits and Photoshop 7 for more sophisticated changes.

What are you experienced in?


Anonymous said…
I am experienced in hating floating boxes that follow me down a webpage. What's that paddle on dude thing all about?
Also I am pretty darn good at saying NO! Just ask my kids. :D
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
Good morning!

I usually download my digital shots into picasa and aim to keep my alterations to cropping, perhaps some colour correction, or changing from colour to B&W.

I do work with photoshop a fair bit, but prefer to use it more for publishing purposes than personal photographs - my first love is still my film camera, and to drastically alter a shot in Photoshop takes away some of the artistry for me...

Morning! Michele sent me!
Anonymous said…
For html, it's usually Notepad, TextEdit, or Emacs, depending on the OS. For image editing, it'll usually be the GIMP, because I can't afford Photoshop.
utenzi said…
Lois, sorry about that. I find DHTML hard to resist at times. I'll probably remove the floating box soon and eventually my little pet over on the right also. If nothing else, they really slow down my browser when I use Opera though IE and Firefox are fine with them.

Cin, I moved over from film to digital so FAST! I even gave away all my SLR stuff to friends 'cause I had no intention of going back!

Aaron, I hear you about the cost of Photoshop. It's damned expensive. I like more coddling with coding. While I first learned and worked using Homesite, which wasn't much higher level than notepad, once I got used to Dreamweaver I've never gone back to hand coding.
Anonymous said…
Photoshop CS for most (if not all) GFX/pics when at home

Adobe Illustrator for GFX/pics at workplace (essentially it is Photoshop Lite)

Dreamweaver MX for personal sites, side builds

Frontpage [shudder] for workplace web design - damn MS license they have ...
utenzi said…
G, Frontpage? LOL I've heard it's a lot better now but I remember seeing code it generated maybe 5 or 6 years ago and it was scary how bad it was. I've never used it so I have no idea how usable it is. Of the ones I have used, I dislike that Geo thing from Adobe the most.

I haven't used Illustrator in many years. Maybe 6. Back then it was mostly a vector graphics program for industrial-art type applications. I guess it's changed a lot since then.
Anonymous said…
I use photo suite...
Anonymous said…
Photoshop, Paint Shop & Auto FX. I like to do a like of creative things to photos & I create scrapbook pages digitally.
Anonymous said…
I don't use anything for my photos, although i do use a scrapbooking program to create the borders for them.
utenzi said…
I never did add you to my connect page, Michelle. Shame on me. I'll do that right now since I have Dreamweaver open.
Anonymous said…
The brand new Macromedia Studio 8 has some very advanced features in their new Fireworks product -- Now that Adobe and Macromedia have merged, much of Photoshop's basic photo editing is now in Fireworks... Making Fireworks an ideal solution for those that aren't using the really advanced masking and image manipulation in Photoshop CS. Take it from a web professional, Fireworks is the only way to go for editing and exporting for web-based photo sharing. :)

...And there's an absolute ton of tutorials for all Macromedia products for those just starting out. How could you go wrong? Try the 30 day trial... You won't regret it.
utenzi said…
I have Fireworks but it's from before Macromedia was bought out. I guess I could try the new version but I don't use the software enough to justify spending the money, Tanya.
Anonymous said…
Pisca normally and Photoshop for the big stuff, I'm just barely learning how to use Photoshop.
utenzi said…
It's worth the effort, Lora. Photoshop is a pain in the ass but very powerful.

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