winter pics in summer

We have very mild winters here in North Carolina compared to what I grew up with in upstate NY. But we do get snow. Typically a dozen times a winter though only rarely is there ever more than 2 or 3 inches on the ground. Here's two pictures that illustrate how nice it is to get mild temporary snow. All I can say is that I'm not going back to the winters I grew up in--this is a lot better.

Pretty pink blossoms in snow. So lovely. This was taken on the UNC campus.

This was taken in front of my house. I think it was around 10am and only one person had bothered to leave to go to work. Since I was taking the picture, it obviously wasn't me!

There's so little snow removal equipment down here that the streets don't get cleared of snow very quickly--we count mainly on the sun coming out eventually. LOL So you get snow days at work when only a few inches falls. You gotta love it!


Anonymous said…
Cool! I would love to live somewhere where you get snow so infrequently. Where I live we just pray we don't get snow before halloween.
Anonymous said…
Awesome pics! And thanks for the vote of confidence on the Moo today! I'm sure I'll see you around on the Meet'n Greet this weekend! :)
Anonymous said…
Hello, Michele sent me.

Wow! I like the picture with blossoms. It's really pretty. How is the temperature in there in the winter time?
Anonymous said…
Great pics as always. My sister is in her first year of Grad School in NC, we are speculating about how she'll do over the winters. (She's a Miami girl so to her it isn't going to be quite the same as moving from upstate!)
Anonymous said…
you grew up in upstate NY! I spent a part of my youth in Watertown and Oswego--ever been there? In those days there were no filthy hippies!
Anonymous said…
Sure, rub it in. There is a bin full of salt waiting by the door at the library already. The snow will come soon--too soon. Anytime is too soon. I HATE winter!!!
Anonymous said…
Utenzi, were you around here when we had 22" of snow in one night? That one really paralyzed us! It was about 5 years ago, I think.
Anonymous said…
That picture in front of your house looks a lot like the area around Fearrington Village...
Anonymous said…
I love that picture of the tree. It's so beautiful. I wish it snowed here. Once in a blue moon we get a little that melts by 8am. Just to let you know, I added you to my blog roll because I really enjoy your blog.
Anonymous said…
I love the fact that your "mild winters" include snow! Even in my harshest winters I don't get snow!!!

Once again you have posted some beautiful pictures. :o)
utenzi said…
Car, you're so funny! There's always been dirty hippies. They probably even had dirty hippies back in caveman times--of course then we were all dirty. I've been to Watertown many times and took a microbio course at SUNY Oswego one summer. I went to college in Rochester NY and all three places had one thing in common--Lake (Ontario) effect snow. Feet and feet of it. Damn stuff never stopped falling!

Liz, you need to move somewhere warmer. There's library jobs in other places...really! But it might take a little while to get one. Start now! :-p

Judy, I sure was here. It was my first Winter here and I'd moved from Atlanta where I'd lived for 11 years. It took MONTHS to get rid of all the snow. It was unbelievable. 2 feet of snow in a place that rarely gets more than 2 inches.
utenzi said…
E, Fearrington Village isn't that far from where I work. I've gone there in the past to get autographed books at the bookstore there. I forget the name. My house costs probably a third of what the ones there do. Like they say, location, location, location. Fearrington is a lot more expensive.

Lish, thanks for linking to me. We scientists have to stick together. But not with glue, that's just weird.

Yaeli, if you ever want to visit some snow just stop on by. ;-)
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful picture for the blossoms... where I live in Belgium we get snow around the end of january, the start of february. But I can remember a time that was different (hear me, the old one ;) ) I remember as a kid making a snowman in december or having a white christmas, but that hasn't happened in the last 10 years...

Here via Michele's
Anonymous said…
We don't get a lot of snow here in the UK, but when we do it can be heavy. As a result, the whole country grinds to a halt even though everyone knew snow was on the way. It's cool (ha ha) for a day or so but after a week you just want it to go away.
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me! I live in Chapel Hill. Sort of a shock to think about winter now.
Anonymous said…
Beautiful pictures - I love blossom - Hope you have a great weekend.

Michele sent me
Anonymous said…
So I am back again from Michele so I am commenting on the next post. Smart of me eh?

Will you make a mini-snowman for me this winter and name him Stinky? It never snows here. You'll be my best friend if you do!
utenzi said…
You're amazing, -E! Are there any side benefits to being best friends? *ducking*

Thanks Karen and Thaleia.

Melinama, I agree especially with these last few days in the low 90s. It's been as hot as mid-summer lately. And no rain so my lawn is dying of thirst!
Anonymous said…
I believe that either (a) we should not live in cold climates or (b) we should hibernate in the winter.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
oh, forgot to add that I would come out of hibernation to ski a few times during the winter.
utenzi said…
You must believe that strongly to say it 3 times, Liz. LOL I gather that the page wasn't working well--I've done that a few times. Browsers can be irritating.
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi. I just thought I'd randomly drop in from Michele's and say hi. Your pictures are, as always, inspirational.

I've always loved reading PS: it allows me to dream about what might be.

Have a great Saturday!
Anonymous said…
Great photos! Here in São Paulo, Brazil, the weather is warm almost always! Take a look where I live:
Warmly, Sonia.

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