
It seemed to me that Blogger was having some serious troubles last night. Several times I tried to access my blog here and couldn't and that was true also for dozens of other blogs I tried to read. Only ones on Blogger though. Other blog providers like Typepad were running fine. I didn't see any notices about system maintenance or anything. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said…
That has happened to me several times on Blogger. In fact, every month it seems there are two or three nights that that happens. And you're right - it's just on Blogger blogs. All other brands are OK. I don't know the cause, but maybe it's maintanence?
Anonymous said…
It happened to me several days ago. Some blogs worked, and some didn't. Maybe Blogger staggers their maintenance sweeps so that not all blogs will be offline at the same time.
Anonymous said…
Last night I tried to publish an entry and they said that they were doing some work on blogger. So I assume that a number of bloggers in blocks were getting fixed. They said they were putting "enhancements" on them or something. So no worries.
Anonymous said…
HHHMMM, who knows!! What do you mean you didn't like Psychokitty?!?!?!?! You didn't like the poop story!?!??!?! Well, we thought it was funny & you know we have good taste cause we read you blog too!
Anonymous said…
I had problems posting yesterday. Had a post that wouldn't upload, would stay at 0%, and then all of a sudden six copies of it were up, one after the other! But, we're working today, so it's all good. And, when it's free, it's hard to get too wound up over the odd forgivable glitch.
Anonymous said…
yeah, I think blogger was down for some unscheduled maintenance.

it's been awhile since that's happened, but it used to happen ALOT more.
Anonymous said…
It drives me nuts when that happen, but I generally find it happens at least once every couple weeks.
Anonymous said…
No thoughts but the same thing happened to me and I was pissed. not that I had anything useful to post but the principal. However, on the weekend, I posted a quicky post when I should have been doing my homework for the book with wayyyy to much space between the front and back covers. Anyway, I posted an overheard in my house post, got an error message, the post didn't show up nor save so I went back to homework. Then monday, a full day later, Yellojt was able to respond to the post and it magically appeared. GDFcomputers!
Anonymous said…
I was having problems last night as well.
Anonymous said…
not thatit matters anymore, but i was having provbs too
Anonymous said…
sorry, typos will be the death of me

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