Ads on Blog posts

Those ads that are popping up on Blog comment sections lately are really annoying. I just had to remove two of them from a blog I posted less than 10 minutes ago. And that's in addition to the 4 other ads that have appeared the past 3 days--they were all for some free software site. I never had one before that.

Jeeze. Politicians and dicks that spam incessantly. What is the world coming to?


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Thanks for the question! I sort of answered it. :)
Anonymous said…
I feel stupid, but how do you delete a comment? I have navigated all over blogger and can't find a place to do it>
utenzi said…
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utenzi said…
Hey Liz. It's easy. You can either go into your Blogger account and edit the post or you can just launch the post box and when you're logged into your account, the page owner is allowed to delete any of the comments. You'll see a mini trashcan on the lower left side of each comment. Just hit that icon and follow the instructions.
Anonymous said…
I thankfully haven't had a problem with comment spam. This surprises me that you do, since you force people to get a blogger account in order to leave a comment.

Anywho...Hello, Michele sent me! :)
Anonymous said…
Politicans and dicks... you mean to tell me they are not one and the same???
utenzi said…
Well, most politicians have them...
Anonymous said…
i haven't noticed the ads,hmm.

hello, michelle sent me :)
Anonymous said…
Strange, I just started getting comment spam as well. Every time I deleted one, an new one would appear. Had to disable anonymous comments. Yes, spammers are dicks.
Anonymous said…
hello from michele.

I like the pictures on here.
Anonymous said…
Yes, those are totally annoying!

I personally haven't had that problem, but I've seen it on others.
Anonymous said…
I know what you mean. I've never had it happen until this week.
Anonymous said…
Mr. Science man--surely you can do some sort of DNA/RNA microarray analysis and discover a way to zap both blog spam and dicky politicians. I'm rooting for you to become the blog superhero.
Anonymous said…
I hate blogger spam. I get at least one or two of them a week.
utenzi said…
I don't know, Chris. After we finish working on breast cancer I'll give spammers and pols a try. Might as well finish up the first project before jumping into another. LOL
Anonymous said…
Morning, visiting from Michele's.

Nice place. If you stop by my blog, I invite you to read the post, "Food-o-Scope." You'd probably enjoy since you're from the South.

Have a nice weekend.
Anonymous said…
The poll you put in your sidebar is causing the spam and popups. Get rid of that and your problems will be solved. Well, your SPAM problems, anyway!! ;)

Here via michele...
utenzi said…
Thanks Panther but while those polls cause pop-ups when you go to them, I don't think they do anything otherwise. The timing is wrong anyhow.
Anonymous said…
I use Haloscan so I'm not aware of the pop up ads on blogger even though I use blogger to host my blog!
Anonymous said…
Yikes! I've been getting that, too. I've noticed it on other blogs, as well.

I frequently blog surf by hitting the "next blog" button at the top right of the screen. That button will bring-up a random yet recently updated blog. Lately I've been getting blogs that haven't been updated in more than a year simply because some spammer has posted a comment on their blog. So it ruins the fun sometimes!
utenzi said…
It's odd but I've not had that happen for a few days now. I had something like 10 of those ads appear and it was within maybe 48 hours. Maybe Blogger installed a patch...
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me.

Kayaking is going to be my next sport when I have too much free time. Right now it's bicycling or blogging, depending on the weather.

Have a good weekend.

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