Human abuse

Who can resist a GIF that makes fun of using computers? I've never been driven quite this crazy by our silicon friends but there's been times...especially when gridding DNA microarrays that I felt like this.


Anonymous said…
That is too funny! I actually feel like that some days.
Lois Lane
Anonymous said…
that was totally awesome
Anonymous said…
That was perfectly grotesque. Love it!
utenzi said…
Thanks Lois, Laura & Stacey. I love the little bloody howl it does just before it gives up and bleeds out on the keyboard. It seems so primal!
Anonymous said…
I do too!
Hey, it's even funnier watching it while listening to dance/trance music on the headphones. Makes for a great combination!
Anonymous said…
lmao... I like how the eye ball gets flung back and forth..LOLOL
Anonymous said…
That was too funny for words!!!
Anonymous said…
Too funny..eyeballs and

ps..Thanx for stopping by.
Anonymous said…
Completely Gut Busting! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'll definitely be back at yours--
Anonymous said…
Delightfully sick!

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