Here's a picture I took over the weekend of my girlfriend while we were at a local Garden
It was quite lovely there and I took a bunch of pictures--until my batteries died on me. The only problem was all the damn pollen but that wasn't just in the garden. All of Raleigh was awash in pollen on Saturday. Some lucky parts got some rain to wash it down but not where we were. *ahhh-cho* Well, it's supposed to rain again on Tuesday so maybe that'll help.
It was quite lovely there and I took a bunch of pictures--until my batteries died on me. The only problem was all the damn pollen but that wasn't just in the garden. All of Raleigh was awash in pollen on Saturday. Some lucky parts got some rain to wash it down but not where we were. *ahhh-cho* Well, it's supposed to rain again on Tuesday so maybe that'll help.
Yes, attchooo or no, spring is a wonderful time.