Split Brain Soup
Despite the title this isn't a recipe. My apologies to any incipient cannibals out there--that might include my ex-wife. I hope I'm not insulting cannibals by saying that. :-) This is actually just a few random thoughts about schizophrenia. The title is derived from the latin root of schizo (meaning split or divide) and phrenos (mind). These days the term split mind brings up thoughts of multiple personality disorder like in that movie Sybil with Sally Field or the more recent movies Primal Fear (one of those cases of the movie being better than the book) and Fight Club and both of these starred Ed Norton, with Brad Pitt and Richard Gere adding interest for female viewers. Anyway... Schizophrenia has long been controversial. Currently some people--including me--believe that it's not a single disease but a number of disorders that have similar symptoms but very different causes. Some schizophrenics seem to derive from a genetic predisposition, others from environmen...