Thursday 13

13 Super Sweet Morsels about Utenzi

1. Morsel is way too 'cute' a word and makes me squirm in annoyance but that's the way Leanne wants it (the word not the squirm)

2. I work in science research doing molecular biology exploring drug effects on breast cancer

3. I don't exercize enough but when I do it's usually mowing my lawn--1 acre so it takes a while--but I prefer hiking or kayaking

4. I enjoy reading most of all but eating potato chips and watching television isn't far behind

5. My favorite tv show from last season is Lost and so far my favorite this year is How I Met Your Mother

6. I've been sick the past week with a sore throat and that's making me sleep nearly twice the 5 hours I usually get

7. I only play one computer game--Age of Empires--but I play that way too much

8. I don't like doing RT-PCRs very much but lately I've been doing a lot of them

9. Both my truck and my computer are around 6 years old and they're both showing their age! Of the two, my Dell is doing better

10. Speaking of age, I'm 44 and definitely showing the affects of those years. I'm faring better than the Nissan and worse than the Dell

11. I've read all the Harry Potter books and while I enjoy them I like the Belgariad fantasy series more

12. I've had my current house for 2 years now and my ARM is about to takes its first jump October 1st

13. Leanne's site has inspired me to get back into painting but inspiring me is one thing and me actually doing it is another

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

Leanne says: Thirteen things is all I ask for, and what do you get in return? Linkage! If you do it, leave a comment here and link me to your Thursday Thirteen. I will be sure to update my entry with links to yours, and then you can continue the chain if you like! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Anonymous said…
Paint, I say! I'm glad I could inspire you! :D

And "morsel". Yeah. You're right. I'll get to modifying that code! I tried this morning but there's a piece that just doesn't like me at all. LOL

Thanks for joining in!

Here's the link to mine:
Anonymous said…
I'm in too...
utenzi said…
I'm so glad you could make it, Keb. Looking at Leanne's blog makes me think I should try WordPress also.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi,
I have done Thursday's Thirteen and have added a link to your blog.
My link is

That was fun!
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi (had to look at the spelling three times. doh)

I like your style. This caught my eye "science research". I always thought being a researcher would be so cool. The digging, the probing, the testing... and the starting all over again.

#12 "ARM" ... is this secret code or are you detachable?? ARM...Jumping off.

I've got so many blogs bookmarked that I've had to make two folders. One for "blogs" and one for "favorite blogs". I've bookmarked yours but I'm not saying which folder I used. (winky dinky)

Nice to meet you.
utenzi said…
Hi Carol and Crusty. ARM stands for adjustable rate mortgage. Nothing very secret--and science is interesting but cool might not be the right adjective. LOL
Anonymous said…
Hi Utenzi! Lost was kinda scary last night. I'm so glad it's back though. I also drive a Nissan. A green Xterra that I call Monty.
Anonymous said…
Nice list man, yeah age of empires is awesome...

Good Times...
Anonymous said…
While I am most pleased to learn new things about you my dear Utenzi, I do believe that you owe us 1 more piece of information about yourself. Item number one appears to be more about the word cute and what Leanne wants, than about you. So I say, Give us one more morsel, or snippet, or smidgen, or whatever-you-want-to-call-it, of information about yourself! ;o)
Anonymous said…
Love the 13 details :) Havent stopped by in a while, LOVED your morning glories, they are a little delicate for me to raise, partially due to the fact that my cats think they are toys ;) Have a good weekend! xoxo melzie
utenzi said…
Yaeli, I'll make the new #1 that I think you're so cute. Gosh darn cute even. :-D

Lish, say 'Hi' to Monty for me! As for Lost, I was more than a bit disappointed. I'm a little tired of being led around by the nose on that show. They're adding silly details but never revealing anything and it gets annoying.

Melzie! Glad to see you again. The Morning Glories must love me. They just popped up last year like some kind of weed and are even more robust this year. I never planted them. I don't have any cats tho--so there's nothing to try to eat them. LOL
Anonymous said…
Hey - sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. We have a nasty cough traveling through...welll, since it's going theough school as well as my church I guess I can say it's going through town.

I used to have a Nissan. It was a 20 year old truck. I just got rid of it for a 10 year old Geo.

Hope you get feeling better.
Anonymous said…
ooooooohhhhh what did you think of the LOSt premiere this season? a friend of mine found a site that analyzes the show and it's reallllly interesting.

here via michele.
Anonymous said…
I'm here via Michele. I love your blog! your thirteen things are very interesting. mine would be equal parts boring and lame, just like me :)
Anonymous said…
I love your thirteen things. Here are mine:
Anonymous said…
oh and Michelle sent me
Anonymous said…
Hello Michele sent me! I hope you have a great weekend!
Anonymous said…
I don't have the time for a "thirteen things" list right at the mo', but your list really made me think. My PC is 6 years old as well, and still handles most current programs and what-not fairly efficiently. I wonder if technology is beginning to slow down (or the rate at which it's being released to the average consumer, at least.) Six years ago, in 1999, if you had a computer that was 6 years old (which I did ), about all it could be used purposefully for was a boat anchor.

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
By the by...I also have to say WordPress rocks as long as you have a host with a stable SQL database server.
Anonymous said…
I so agree with numer 11 - give me a David Eddings anyday ... but the HP books were enjoyable!
Anonymous said…
Awesome list!
Might have to try it myself.


I have that pc game, "Age of Emprires" but I haven't played it still. LOL

BTW, Hi! Michelle sent me!
Anonymous said…
Oh, what a cute morsel of a post ;)

Sorry, couldn't resist.
utenzi said…
Try harder, Trusty. Resistance is not futile.
Anonymous said…
PLEASE don't tell me that I missed a new "Lost" last night! I thought it started next week. Was it new?

Like your list, but I agree with Yaeli - # 1 is not about you! If I do this, I will let you know.

Michele sent me today - but I'd have been here later on anyway.
Anonymous said…
Hello, Michele sent me!

Don't tell me what happens in Lost! We're still halfway through the first season here in the UK. It's good, isn't it? :-)
Anonymous said…
It is Friday so I think I get to veto doing this now :)

Michele sent me.
utenzi said…
Damn the luck, -E. You found an escape clause. Well, phooey!
Anonymous said…
I'm so with you on #4!

(Hi - Michele sent me)
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me. Thanks for stopping by SRC the other day.

What did you think about this week's Lost episode?
Anonymous said…
This creates a dilemma - do I post here and walk on, or do I loiter to try the thirteen things?

Your site stays cool.
rashbre via michele
Anonymous said…
here via ((M))

nice post....
Anonymous said…
Hmmm...sore throat, sleeping mono?

Here via Michele's this time!
utenzi said…
Hey Thumper. I was pretty old when I first got Mono--it was only 6 years ago. Weird too since I've worked with freshly transformed cells which have a viral load thousands of times greater than a person sick with Epstein-Barr virus (which causes mono) and never caught the virus. And this does feel very much like Mono did. You're only supposed to catch that once tho.
Anonymous said…
Here's my 13 things at Click here to view.

And the full blog is
Anonymous said…
So glad to find someone else who enjoyed How I Met Your Mother! And Lost... ooooh, shiver, eerie!

Here from Michele's.
Anonymous said…
"...better than the Nissan and worse than the Dell."

Noe THAT was funny. Or else I can relate. LOL
Anonymous said…
Sorry your ARM is taking a leap in October that sucks. Mine takes a leap in 2008. Not looking forward to that. Hope you feel better. Sounds like you need more sleep. Sleep is good. Good to visit again. Here via Michele!
Anonymous said…
Here from Michele's this time. So you don't like being held in a continual state of suspense, huh?
Anonymous said…
what a BEAUTIFUL house! and on an acre (or the lawn is an acre?) anyhow, i've enjoyed reading around here. i'll be back. i came via michele's. andthanks for the BC research. it's been too big a part of my life the past few years.

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