
I've been starting to see this new person of late. Let's call her Elle, though as usual, the name has been changed to protect the innocent. In any case, up to now we've only been on one date. I thought it was two dates but I was recently informed by the prementioned innocent party that only meetings in public are considered dates. So the evening we watched a movie on my couch wasn't a date. Let's call that an incidental occurrence.

So up to this point we've had one date and one incidental occurrence. I love how those words just flow, it's like poetry, isn't it?

So this Friday the second date is tentatively scheduled. Lord only knows what this means but at least it's not an incidental occurrence. I can be thankful for that. Dancing has been mentioned. Given my two left feet, the entire dancing public in the Triangle area hopes that particular plan doesn't go to fruition. The other thing mentioned was Greek food. Not so many places around here for that....


Blonde Goddess said…
Just be yourself and everything will fall into place....
Anonymous said…
Remember.... adventure!
Michelle said…
How fun, Greek, does this mean you bust some plates?!!

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