renting at Blog Explosion

About once a week I post about whatever blog is renting space from me at Blog Explosion. This week it's NewfieGirl. However today I'm going to do something slightly different!

I not only rent space out to other bloggers on my blog, I also rent space from other bloggers. So today I'll mention the 6 blogs that I'm currently renting space from just in case any of them sound like a blog you'd like to explore.

First of all is my patron, NewfieGirl. I not only rent space to her, but I am also renting space from her. It's almost incestual! I've been there 3 days now and I've had visits from 7 different people. Since I reviewed her blog a few days ago she's put up several posts, the prettiest being one yesterday that included a piture of her dog, Rudy. He's purty!

A blog that I've been on for 6 days is Scottage's Perspectives of a Nomad. This blog is run by Scott Brown, who lives in Rochester NY which is where I went to college from my undergrad degree. He's only delivered 5 visitors to me which is unusually low for his blog. It's hard to predict these things. Blog visits are almost as bad as the weather. Sometimes it dry and other times it's raining cats and dogs.

Scott's blog really runs the gamut of topics. Lately he's been dealing with Israeli politics but music criticism occurs here as well as talk about celebrities, journalism, blogging, politics, and just social commentary. A litle bit of everything and always well written.

I've been on Dawn's blog for 2 days and she's offered up 6 visitors. Not bad for 2 days! Dawn, like NewfieGirl, lives up north in Canada. She blogs about her family (husband and 2 boys), shool issues like a recent battle with the School Board, and odd little issues like how boys love to fart. Ewwww?! Her older son just turned 10 yesterday so why not drop by and wish him a happy (belated) birthday.

The most recent blogs I just started on yesterday. There's Emily at Stoopid Is who has a nice blog that I've only been reading for a week. A few days back she had a few pictures of this really cute baby bunny. It was a tiny little thing. Emily really loves MiniCoopers and owns a pink one.

The other new blog I've got for a landlord is Pixie's Temple. She's delivered more visitors in one day than all the other 5 have. I really, really like Pixie! The picture over there on the left is of Pixie. She's hiding behind Johnny Depp.

Just to give you an idea of her writing, here's a post from a few days ago:

You know that you're running a really classy joint when search terms that lead visitors to you include:

savory snatch (holy out of context, I think what I said was, "googling the term snatch would produce some less than savory results)

rub my tadger (I was singing Monty Python in this post)

tinkerbell porn (okay?)

next stall grunting (thanks Alistar! It was your comment that directed them here)

snatch temple (There were lots of people looking for this one. I'm #3, apparently #1 is some porn site)

The fun doesn't stop here, these are just some of the more disturbing ones.


Hahaha...what a post to pick to quote me from! I think I may be blushing. I'm so glad you're enjoying your stay and getting visits.

You're my very first tenant and I'm happy to see things are working out the way I hoped.

Happy 4th to you and yours!
Anonymous said…
I'm doing another write up for you by tomorrow... I've been out of sorts this week and I promise I'll make it up to you

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the plug BEP!!!

You are my first ever BEP and I'm so glad to have you on my blog!

I hope you gets TONS more clicks from me!
Panthergirl said…
You are so great with the linky-love.

The search terms are hilarious, aren't they?

My most popular ones are:
Kathie Lee braless (why, oh why would anyone search for that??)
Ann Coulter Hitler (love that one)
Jo Frost's tits (geez)
Dog's Fucking Women (spelled like that, yes, which really does make perfect sense)

Here by way of michele today!
Anonymous said…
Hello, hello Michele sent me. I'm new but am going to browse a bit :)
Juggling Mother said…
Nice idea to write about the blogs yo ret from, as well as your own tenant. I've thought about it a couple of times, but never gotten round to it:-)

Search stats are always fun - I still get loads of searches on dogging, from when Mstr A was describing what he could see out of the train window (theres someone walking, theres someone running, there's someone dogging, there's someone sitting - it made perfect sence to him that someone walking their dog was dogging!), and for some unknown reason, on "naked mother-in-law" why & how, i have no idea:-)

Here from micheles today
carmilevy said…
I never fail to be deeply disturbed by some of the search terms that bring folks to my blog.

I used to post them when I found them funny. Lately, some truly sickening ones have shown up, so I won't be sharing them anywhere.

I'll just come back here and read PG's comment. And I'll laugh.

So will Michele.
Here from Michele! You two sure put a lot of work and thought into blogging! I'm lucky if I find time to blog 3 times a week! Did Fri. Poetry today...was fun!
kenju said…
I haven't found any disturbing or funny search terms that led to my blog, Utenzi. I guess I am lucky....LOL

Michele sent me.
Anonymous said…
Ohhh, I'll have to go visiting :) Enjoy the weekend!
Rene said…
I don't get any interesting search terms for me. Truly, I'm that boring.

Here from Michele's today. BTW, the heading looks romantically southern.
The Catapillar said…
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello :) Your the first person I have come across that also links back to thier blog lords thats cool :) I like to do that too.
Anonymous said…
Michele sent me... good morning.

First, I must say that I LOVE your banner! It's been awhile since I've stopped by and the new look is stunning.

Second, I don't quite get the concept of renting someone's blog space. I think I'm really blond! In any case, it's cool to see you helping others get readers. Anything to spread the love, right?
Bobealia... said…
Utenzi, I'm stopping over to say hi from Michele's. I have NO IDEA what you are talking about. Why would you rent to and from the same person? HUH?
Anyway, I really have to get a sitemeter so that I know how people find me in searches...

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