critters in the semi-wild
Up above is a shot of several logs in a small inlet on Lake Johnson near Raleigh NC. Each log has a multitude of turtles on it--and my movement towards them already had a number slipping off into the water.
This picture was taken after I'd gotten closer, but also had scared off quite a few of the turtles. Only the braves ones were left--but since there's a limit on bravery in animals that don't want to end up in the stewpot, by the time I'd circled the tree on the left side of the picture all the remaining turtles had dove in the water.
However I did meet one fellow that was braver than the turtles. You can take a gander at him in the picture below...
Isn't he a cutie? My girlfriend hates snakes for some reason--at least when they're close up. I tell her it's Freudian but she keeps trying to prove me wrong on that score.
I only have a 3X zoom so I had to be pretty close to this snake. I wanted to get a little closer but I'm not like that insane Australian fellow on Animal Planet--crikey!--so I settled for this picture here.
Unless you really don't like snakes, click on this picture to see it larger. This is really a pretty snake. From what I've read, it's either a Northern Watersnake or a Redbelly Watersnake. It's not an easy ID for me since the juvenile snakes have a different appearance than the adult--and several species will interbreed so this snake could be the product of different types of snakes. The snake appeared to be a little over 2 feet long outside the water and a significant portion seemed to still be in the water.
Here's a picture not of an animal but what the animal did.
When you see damage to the bark of a tree like this, it usually means that a porcupine was working it over. They'll often go after manmade wooden structures also. I remember as a kid, there was one that would go after the wood of one of our garage doors every spring. It would only attack the left door and always left the right hand one alone. Weird.
That's how I spent my Saturday morning. What did y'all do?
BTW, the UNC game is on at 4pm and it's 3pm now so it's time to get fattening snacks ready!
Hi from Michele's.
My Saturday morning was spent leading Milwaukee's annual St. Patrick's Day Parade! Thanks for asking. :)
I'm here via Michele's btw...
My Saturday morning was the usual Dad's Limo trip. You win!
I slept in this morning...been pretty tired....But it's a beautioful COLD 9For L.A. day was supposed to rain realkly really hard...and it still may, I guess...but right now, the wind has cleared out any smog that might have been hanging...and I tell you it is VERY VERY cold, for here....
Michele sent me.
The little snake was cute too I don't know if I would have gotten that close though. Brave you!
Interesting with the tree and the porcupine, I didnt know they did that
Cool snake. He must have been enjoying the warmth Virginia and Carolina have been experiencing. And thanks for sharing the porcupine story - that was a new one for me.
michele sent me.
Crikey!! That sure was a decent sized snake.
I saw a baby taipan (worlds most deadliest snake) in my garden yesterday. It was eating a small lizard, i went to get the 7 iron i use to play toad golf, and when i returned it was gone! I hope it went next door!
looks like a fun walk.
cheers from Michele's
We spent the day with 2 of our grandchildren. First we saw the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown and then we went to the Natural Science Museum to see the reptile and amphibian exhibit. So you see - I saw snakes, frogs and turtles today too! We saw a snapping turtle weighing 165 pounds and he was 150 years old.
what a great post....
over from the other Michele's
I've never seen so many turtles congregating together like that!
Hello from michele's.