michelle wie

Happy Birthday, Michelle.

Today Michelle Wie turns 16. An important milestone for any girl but in her case this birthday will have an effect on many others. You see today Michelle turns pro. For anyone unfamiliar with Ms Wie, she's golf's preminent junior golfer. A young woman who's reportedly going to earn far more her first pro year than the top ranked woman golfer, Annika Sorenstam. $10 million versus $8 million. Like the last huge teen golf phenom, Tiger Woods, this money is based largely on a very lucrative contract with Nike. According to Fortune Magazine, just her Nike contract is worth $5 million a year with performance incentives that could drive it a lot higher.

How does this affect you? Assuming she starts winning--Michelle's only had one tournament win, in 2003--Michelle Wie will be a household name on a par, pun intended, with Tiger Woods. Given her gender and ethnic background, Michelle can make even bigger inroads into the national and world consciousness. A marketer's dream--which translates to a direct line into the wallet of anyone with kids. LOL

Demographic appeal strictly along gender and racial lines is one thing, but charisma and good looks are so much better. Michelle Wie has the complete package as far as both marketers and the public demand. She's genuinely nice--and great looking with a natural dynamic with the camera. Her agency, William Morris, is much better known for handling Hollywood talent than for sports. Since the Wie family had the pick of any agency they wanted, their choice of William Morris makes it obvious that their plans for Michelle go way beyond golf.

Speaking of golf, Wie can hit drives along side almost any of the male golfers--even the pros. She drives 300 yards regularly and has a record of 391 yards. Hell, the best drive I've ever done is around 260 yards though my brother has no difficulty getting way past 300--but he's a scratch golfer. Of course in a real tournament that kind of fire power, while spectacular, is mostly wasted since the real game is on the green and that's Wie's main difficulty.

Should Wie overcome her problematic short game however, there's no limit to what she can do. As is, even if she doesn't push her pro golf game into the stratosphere, Wie has the looks and charm to make an indelible impression on the world in many other fields. Look for her soon on a movie screen near you. And there's also endorsements, video games, books, and personal appearances. Gotta love marketing!


Anonymous said…
I am aware of this young lady, but she doesn't impress me. I don't think she will have the longevity of most golfers and suspect that by the time she's 25, the golfing world will be saying, "Michelle who?" So, I'm happy for her that she's going to make some money while it lasts. Good for her!

However, I do suspect that she will venture into other areas and won't become an unknown.

Golf is not a game I like or understand though. Even though I tend to like sports that you can play alone, I don't see the appeal of hitting a ball and talking a long walk just so you can hit it again. I also suspect that I'd not want to finish the game if I was doing horribly, even though I'm not really a quitter.
utenzi said…
I don't play golf very frequently but I have a set of clubs and get out on the links every now and then. If I'd ever bothered to get a handicap it'd be around 24 so I'm not very good. My short game isn't bad it's just consistancy on my drive tht gets me--and practice is all it would take to cure that. Plus a lesson or two before hand so I don't practice my bad movements.
Anonymous said…
I can only hope that Wie becomes a household name like Tiger Woods...
Anonymous said…
I grew up on a golf course. Literally, the #2 green was behind my backyard. I never played though. Just drove the cart for my dad.
Anonymous said…
I'm not particularly fond of golf but we can still wish for the best for this very young lady.
Anonymous said…
I've seen footage of her up against some male pro golfers, if i were them, i'd be afraid!
Anonymous said…
I like her. But agree, she should be with ICM or someone like that. William Morris suggests she will dump her game the way tennis players do for endorsements. Sad but true.
Anonymous said…
I'd have to say that I agree with you 100%. You might like this golf resort golf site that I came across. Thanks again for your insight.

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