ankles: the sequel
I've heard rumors that one post about my sprained ankle wasn't enough so here's more pictures to satisfy a public hungry for swollen flesh...
This was taken the morning after I sprained the ankle. There's starting to be a black and blue mark from the blood vessels leaking
At this point the swelling is still very localized to the lateral side of the left ankle and presumably that's the tendon that was affected (very likely since I really screwed it up 15 years ago and it's got extra play in it)
In this picture, taken on Sunday evening about 25 hours after the injury, you can see the edema, or swelling, has spread out over the top and entire lateral side of the foot. There's also more evidence of hematoma at the skin above the metatarsals. At the same time, there's still significant swelling at the original site to the point that it totally eclipses the left ankle.
Here's a lateral view taken at the same time as the photo above to show the hematoma better. From this angle the swelling near the ankle doesn't appear as dramatic as from above. This is due to the generalized swelling across the entire foot. Oddly enough it doesn't hurt unless lateral stress is applied to the ankle joint or if direct contract is made to the swollen area. In other words--don't touch my damn foot!
This was taken the morning after I sprained the ankle. There's starting to be a black and blue mark from the blood vessels leaking
At this point the swelling is still very localized to the lateral side of the left ankle and presumably that's the tendon that was affected (very likely since I really screwed it up 15 years ago and it's got extra play in it)
In this picture, taken on Sunday evening about 25 hours after the injury, you can see the edema, or swelling, has spread out over the top and entire lateral side of the foot. There's also more evidence of hematoma at the skin above the metatarsals. At the same time, there's still significant swelling at the original site to the point that it totally eclipses the left ankle.
Here's a lateral view taken at the same time as the photo above to show the hematoma better. From this angle the swelling near the ankle doesn't appear as dramatic as from above. This is due to the generalized swelling across the entire foot. Oddly enough it doesn't hurt unless lateral stress is applied to the ankle joint or if direct contract is made to the swollen area. In other words--don't touch my damn foot!
I jammed my little toe into the door facing on Sat. morning. By Sat. evening, it was purple and twice the normal size. That night, and again Sunday, I rubbed castor oil into it and wrapped it in Saran wrap and pulled on a sock. It was not swollen and the bruising had almost all gone. I geuss I can't make you try it.
So sorry about this injury... there's nothing wrong with your feet by the way, except what's actually "wrong" with them, that is. They look like normal feet with a dreadful injury. Take this as the highest of compliments. I generally can't stand feet.