
Sometimes when you read a book description you wonder just what demographic the book is aimed at. That's what happened when I saw the blurb about a book by Linda Laird titled The American Grain Elevator: Function and Form.

Here's the blurb:
NEW BOOK! Explains the who, what, where and why of these sometimes massive structures that puzzle the traveler and are mostly taken for granted by the locals. The 111 pp. paperback, with over 150 regional illustrations, tells the story of how grain storage began, elevators were invented, who owns them and how they work. Includes sections on a variety materials used in the Midwest from the 1800s to today; with many historic photos and 86 full color examples of an important building form that is integral to our American heritage and agricultural economy.

I just have to wonder how large an audience there is for this book. For all I know, it could be huge and untapped---I've not seen many grain elevator books around---but it's not for me. I see plenty of elevators at the farms all around where I live and they don't seem all that interesting. Over 150 pictures in 111 pages. Isn't that a bit odd in and of itself? A picture and a half per page?

If this sort of thing interests you, there's a contest on Goodreads where they're giving away 5 copies:

Grain Elevator Contest

Good luck!


kenju said…
I think they may have to give it away if they want readers!

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