Icy Hill

I wasn't able to drive home after work tonight, at least not quite all the way.

As you can see in this picture, my car is down by the road and not up by my house. :-(

All day we've been having either drizzling rain or freezing rain. And so the thick crusted snow that was on my driveway has been replaced with a much more icy mix. As a result, my car was only able to make it up the first 10-12 feet of my driveway before the front wheels just started spinning.

Just as well since I don't think I want to back down the hill in the morning if it's this icy tomorrow. I'd be too likely to end up in the ditch that's on either side of the driveway. Fortunately my car is a good 5 feet out of the road. I just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't slip backwards onto the road during the evening!


Thumper said…
Your lawn mower is looking a little chilly, too...
kenju said…
I know what you mean about the much more icy mix. My driveway was walkable yesterday, but today I almost fell several times just trying to get to the mailbox and the car. Hopefully, tomorrow's 50* will do the trick.
Smug said…
Be careful driving today!
Unknown said…
Reminds me of blowing a transmission in a Mustang GT once owned. I was visiting with friends when I lived back in the Mid-West and an ice storm hit during my visit. They told me to spend the night. I should have listened. I thought I was imposing and tried to make it home. Mustang's are light in the rear and my $2,500 bill taught me a lesson years ago!

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