Tuesday Evening Hike

I went on another group hike at the Occoneechee Mountain park yesterday after work. This time it was drizzling and cloudy so there wasn't much light for taking pictures. On the other hand, the greens of the trees and plants were so vibrant and everything smelled delightful. Except maybe me--I fell down a few times while bushwhacking. The ground was just too wet for good footing on steep slopes.

I really like the picture below. Just a mossy log in a sea of ferns but the colors are quite nice.

Same kind of color palette in this picture. What little sun there was lit the glade and gave nice fresh green colors whereas dark greens and browns predominated in the woods. It made for a nice picture illustrating the tonal difference in the two areas.

And here's the group I hiked with. We're all clustered at the base of the quarry walls, just before we moved on to the steep part of the hike. Incidentally, it was just a few minutes later that I started my falling exercise as I tried to bushwhack my way along the quarry lip. It was just too steep and I finally had to give up.

And lastly, here's a picture taken from up on top of the quarry at the overlook. You can see the mist rising from the forest and Eno River. Pretty.


Beautiful shots! I wish I was there myself, just to smell the air!
srp said…
These are great... I love the fern.... These must be the variety that will come up every year and aren't that sensitive to the cold. I've planted two in the shade of our flowerbed and hope they will do well. What a nice spot for a relaxing day of reading and some warm tea. Well, the tea might be difficult.
Teresa said…
That last picture made me dizzy... or maybe I'm just coming down with something....
Unknown said…
May favorite is the 3rd photo---filled with a breath taking vista. What a cool experience you will remember forever!
Shephard said…
Last shot... very nice composition... love the fence curving back. Must have been a stunning view.

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