A Ring on Valentines Day

This isn't the type of ring typically bandied about on St Valentine's Day. You're not going to catch anyone slipping one of these rings into a piece of cake for some unsuspecting young thing to chip teeth on.

This is the kind of ring that we test angiogenesis drugs with. It's in the bottom right hand corner. (By decreasing angiogenesis---the formation of new blood vessels---you can control the growth of cancer tumors)

One of the ways we test these drugs is using a CAM (Chorioallantoic Membrane assay) model. The drugs that are developed using this, as well as mouse models, might one day go into human clinical trials---and eventually be marketed as breast cancer oriented chemotherapy drugs. That's our goal, at least.

In the meantime, it's a neat picture. If you're into pictures of blood vessels and chicken eggs. I hope it's not bad luck to show chicken parts on Friday the 13th!


Tawcan said…
Hmmm interesting pic. Hopefully you'll reach the goals with these drugs. That'd be a great step forward for breast cancer treatment.

Here via NetChick.
rosemary said…
Really cool photo and interesting info. Dave, since i am a newbie sort of to your blog.....what is your background, schooling and how did you get into your current field?
mw said…
What does the ring do? It's an amazing photo. Rather Valentine colored, really...
Anonymous said…
You got me! From your comment at Netchick's I wondered if you were getting married, but also knew you'd have something different in store. Leave it to you to mix Valentine's Day and Friday the 13th so well.
Anonymous said…
When I saw your "commentluv" teaser, I was like, WHAT?

Denied... Interesting nonetheless, but still! Bad Dave. Bad! :)

Hope you have an awesome Valentines! I'm doing an unValentines with friends tomorrow.

I sent myself by to say hi!
It is a neat picture, and amazing technology. Hopefully this and other science will help in the battle against cancer.

Tanya sent me,

David Edward said…
i will take the chicken blood vessels on valentines day , the red is so apropos.

Netchick sent me
Diane Mandy said…
Your title had me going for a minute!

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