Losing Weight

This weight loss ad campaign has been on the web for a while now.

Every time I see it I cringe. The picture on the right looks horrible to me. Skeletal and emaciated. What do y'all think? Is she better looking before or after the weight loss?


kenju said…
Uh.....somewhere in between, I think. I saw some models photos in People magazine last week that were so skinny I wanted to scream..."What makes you think that's pretty??!!"
Anonymous said…
The face and shoulders on pic #2 look pretty good... the other parts - that are easier to photoshop? Well... looks like someone got a little too happy with the eraser tool.
Thumper said…
Body positioning and clothing make all the difference...I doubt she weighs any different between the two pictures, and I'd bet they were taken at the same photoshoot.

Not to metnion the crappy Photoshop. Look at her inner right elbow in the "after" picture and tell me that's natural...
Cynnie said…
eh, skinny looks good on the youngsters..
I think us older women look nicer a bit rounder, even a bit fattish..

I have a thing for chubby men..i like snuggling against a belly :)
David Edward said…
i don't think the pictures are real anyway. Yes I prefer some meat on the bones, thanks
Anonymous said…
My thought was that if she lost 25 lbs in her tummy in a month, she must have lost 50 lbs total in that month. Since belly fat is the last to go and her neck and arms (and presumably her legs) lost quite a bit too. A bit unrealistic for someone her size, if no unsafe.

I honestly don't think she looks too thin, but she is a little more on the thin side than I like to see. Of course, I tend to not notice weight unless it's too little. A skinny person stands out for me somehow... You could gain 50 lbs and I'd hardly notice unless you pointed it out to me, but I'll notice if one of the kids starts looking too skinny. Go figure...

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