More kittie porn

Yes, it has a name but despite having heard it several times I don't have any idea what it is right now. Cats just strike me as slightly attractive annoyances so it's hard to bother with remembering their names. And since cats don't bother to learn their names either, why should I?


Anonymous said…
The cat reminds me of a cat I had a long time ago. I named her Pamela. So, I'll name this one Suzanne. (I know -- it only makes sense to me) So, now you have something to call her. I'm not sure how Jules would feel about this, but it's not the first cat I've renamed.
utenzi said…
That sounds to me like a confession of a cat kidnapper! Are you the feline version of Cruella De Vil?
kenju said…
Such a pretty cat, Dave. I don't know why you have so much disdain for them.
Smug said…
This cat also reminds me of a cat that I used to have as a child, her name was Amanda. She used to get so upset when I was beupset and crying. She would meow and rub on me until I stopped crying and pet her. She was a wonderful cat!
Utopia said…
They do know their names! And much much more.
tiff said…
Looks like our Mutzi, right down to the slightly miffed expression.
They know their names and the sound of the can opener (even if you open it with a hand held one). Such a pretty cat, too!
JDH13 said…
She is a beautiful cat. Her name is Chloe. Her nicknames are:
Chlo-Bo, Chillowee, Cocoa Puff, Pooter Motorbutt and Luv-Kitty. (from Lily)
utenzi said…
I get the Motorbutt reference. That cat farts like an old dog dying of intestinal disease. PU!
Unknown said…
Cat farts can be caused by a worm infestation.
rosemary said…
Chloe....listen carefully and she really will say her name. Cats fart to get you to move off of their chair.
Mike said…
A very pretty kitty!

Michele sent me.
MaR said…
Check out your stats, utenzi, the name of your post should attract many visitors, lol.
Nice kitty, whatever its name is today :)
Nice reading you again!!
Unknown said…
Morning, Utenzi: Michele Agnew sent me! No, Cats DO know their names once you use them enough. He seems "at home"! :D)
ShannonW said…
LOL The title of this post was rather startling BUT funny!

Have a great day!
Anonymous said…
Cats are very scary to me, I'm a dog person. However I love the fact they hide in the oddest places. My dogs don't do that.
David Edward said…
love cats - wish I had one
Anonymous said…
Of course cats know their name! Why else would they come to you when you call their names? ;p

- from the cat magnet

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